Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Casting Announcement: 3 Talented Featured Actors! (Stephanie Jackson, Steven Ciceron, and Jacquie Hishmeh)

Hello Friends, Fans, and Fun-Killers all over the world! (Have you read the World War Love post yet? CLICK HERE and read it now! How many people in your country are reading this blog?!? Share the links and watch the numbers increase!) Tonight, I want to introduce you to THREE INCREDIBLY TALENTED featured actors in "The END of FUN"!

As you already know (if you have read the announcement-- if NOT, CLICK HERE and read now!), we were so fortunate to secure the acting talents of JULIA ROSETTE for the role of "JADE SILVER". She and I have already begun making plans that will make sure Jade is a character that is NOT QUICKLY FORGOTTEN!

We also already found another great creative partner in JULIA BODEY who will play "CAMMY" (CLICK HERE and read now!). In fact, I look forward to going to see Julia Bodey in "HAMLET" here in Hamlet at the "Coronado Playhouse" very soon. You should too. (CLICK HERE for more information!) and tell Julia that BOBBY SENT YOU!

JULIA BODEY plays Rosencrantz in this version of HAMLET! CLICK HERE if you want more information or would like to attend!

NOW-- ONward to tonight's NEW ADDITIONS!

I. "MISTY" will be played by STEPHANIE JACKSON
First up, we have Stephanie Jackson. Stephanie originally submitted and read for the part of "Kari K" but due to scheduling conflicts, we were only able to have her commit to the production long enough to deliver her performance as a regular patron and karaoke singer named "Misty" at the CarryOut in "The END of FUN". 

You will love this actor! She brings a lot of strength, energy, and beauty to the screen even for the shorter time she will appear there! WELCOME ABOARD STEPHANIE!

Please take a second to say "HELLO" and welcome Stephanie to "The END of FUN" in the comments section below!

II. "MARK" will be played by STEVEN CICERON!

Steven Ciceron was one of the VERY FIRST PEOPLE to submit for any role in "The END of FUN"! His attitude, energy, and enthusiasm made him as obvious a choice as did his acting resume credentials, headshot, and overall submission. Steven has a lot of experience with theater and making videos as well. He, like a few of our cast and crew, has shown a lot of excitement and enthusiasm for the challenge presented by our crowdfunding efforts once our Kickstarter campaign launches next week!

Steven will play "Mark" in "The END of FUN", who is one more customer at the CarryOut, but this time more of a newbie instead of a regular. He actually asks Johnny's permission to sing a song which he has seen Johnny sing before (and was showing great karaoke etiquette, actually, and not "stepping on the toes" of another customer, especially a regular like m....I mean like "Johnny". You will get the chance to see Steven sing as Mark in the movie too! WELCOME to "The END of FUN", STEVEN! HOPE YOU SURVIVE THE EXPERIENCE! (any X-Men fans recognize that little tribute....?)

Please take a second to welcome STEVEN to our production, using the comments section below! I am sure he will stop by here often and be very glad to interact with all our fans!

III. SHAY will be played by JACQUIE HISHMEH!

Last in this update is Jacquie Hishmeh who has graciously agreed to play the role of "SHAY" in "The END of FUN". Shay is a smaller part, yet like both of the others listed here, VERY IMPORTANT to the plot and the development of the situation between Johnny and the classic femme fatale Jade Silver! In the movie, Shay sings a song that just does not sound that sexy on its own, yet as she sings the song and we see Jade dance, the song becomes something else entirely. 

We COULD ONLY TRUST Jacquie with this very special role. She is a very experienced singer with an amazing voice. Truly, this woman has a voice that has to be heard to be believed. Just wait until you see her in "The END of FUN"!

Jacquie has an AMAZING VOICE! Her portrayal of "Shay" in "The END of FUN" inspires Julia Rosette's "Jade to dance for Johnny and these two incredible women attract the attention of an entire bar!

Here is a video featuring Jackie singing with OC Hit Factory's cover of "Hotline Bling"! Please say "Hello!" to Jacquie below in the comments section. I know she will be visiting the blog often and will be thrilled to interact with fans of her acting and her singing!

#TEOFCast #TEOFShay #TEOFMark  #TEOFMisty

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The WORLD is in YOUR Hands! World War LOVE!!! (Marketing an Indie Movie Part 3) **UPDATED LIST 44 TOTAL COUNTRIES (with NEW PIC)!

We have people from all over the world (16 Countries MINIMUM-- check the list below) following this blog and our updates about the movie: "The END of FUN"! THOUSANDS of people have read my crazy rants about this amazing project just in the first month!

This post shows you some of the actual numbers from our stats, AND... SHOWS you HOW TO HELP increase those numbers all around the world!

Here is a pretty complete list, but also check out the screenshots I took, one from a long-term view and the other from a more recent "snapshot" below.

  1. United States
  2. Argentina
  3. Australia
  4. Bangladesh
  5. Brazil
  6. Bulgaria
  7. Canada
  8. Chile
  9. China
  10. Czech Republic
  11. Ecuador
  12. Finland
  13. France
  14. Germany
  15. Ghana
  16. Guatemala
  17. Iceland
  18. India
  19. Indonesia
  20. Ireland
  21. Israel
  22. Italy
  23. Japan
  24. Kenya
  25. Latvia
  26. Malaysia
  27. Mexico
  28. Moldova
  29. Netherlands
  30. Norway
  31. Peru
  32. Philipines 
  33. Poland
  34. Portugal
  35. Russia
  36. Saudi Arabia
  37. South Korea
  38. Sweden
  39. United Arab Emirates
  40. United Kingdom
  41. Ukraine
  42. Venezuela
  43. Taiwan
  44. Turkey

THIS even more recent "long-term" pic was taken on August 15, 2016 and shows how our steady growth JUST INCREASES! 
IS YOUR COUNTRY ON HERE? If so, shouldn't your country's number be MUCH MORE like ours in the U.S.? IF your country is NOT HERE, please HELP US and TELL EVERYONE in your country about us!

This "long-term" pic was taken on July 26, 2016. IS YOUR COUNTRY ON HERE? If so, shouldn't your country's number be MUCH MORE like ours in the U.S.? IF your country is NOT HERE, please HELP US and TELL EVERYONE in your country about us!

This "snapshot" of more recent activity shows that some of the long-term leaders in the picture above have some real competition from countries that ONLY RECENTLY STARTED looking at us, such as RUSSIA!

NO MATTER WHAT COUNTRY you live in, here are some things you can do if you would like to help us market our project as we prepare to start our CROWDFUNDING next week!

  • Share the URL www.ENDofFUNmovie on ALL your Social Media! Please TELL EVERYONE all around the world about this movie, my stars, or me!
  • Please FOLLOW us on TWITTER: @ENDofFUN (
  • We REALLY want to hit 1000 LIKES on our FB Page in the next month! PLEASE "LIKE" it and share the link with your friends-- ASK them to LIKE it too!

The whole "The END of FUN" movie crew wants to start WORLD WAR LOVE! Can you help the statistics in your country increase to try and catch the United States? Can you beat whoever is the next country ahead of you? ONLY IF YOU SHARE OUR LINKS!

Thanks Fun-KILLERS! Your visits, your assistance, and all your patronage is greatly appreciated!

See you again soon! NEXT MARKETING message will be about KICKSTARTER and will introduce you to Julia Rose in a quick video!

#TEOFMarketing #TEOFSocialMedia #WWLove #WorldWarLove #TEOF1000

Monday, July 25, 2016

Casting Announcement: JULIA ROSETTE... IS Jade Silver!

"The END of FUN" has found its STAR! Her name is Julia Rosette and when the world sees her as Jade Silver, the whole world will agree that her acting talent, her presence on the screen, and her deep understanding of this very challenging, complex character make her utterly unforgettable.

Julia Rosette has talent and energy that will leave you enthralled and speechless when you see her in the STARRING ROLE as JADE SILVER in "The END of FUN!

On June 28, 2016, I placed the first ads to begin casting "The END of FUN". Over the first week, as the ad appeared only on Craigslist, a few FB groups, etc, there were maybe 2 real people truly showing interest in all of the roles combined (Jade, Kari K, Scab, VV, Shay). Just over a week into these efforts, on July 10, 2016, I made one of my best decisions so far, and placed a casting call on This unleashed a flood!

Within mere minutes of posting the ad-- before even receiving "official notification" of its approval-- the number of qualified, interested actors for the project tripled.

In the first day after posting this casting call, there were ELEVEN actors applying JUST FOR JADE! I was blown away. Some clearly spammed their names out to everything that came along. Even so, a few of them still received replies from me just due my being so overwhelmingly thankful to finally have the DESIRED and EXPECTED RESPONSE!

Three days later, I received an inquiry from the outstandingly talented Julia Rosette. TWO THINGS struck me immediately in her initial email. Before I could even read a word she had written, I was simply stunned at her PHYSICAL RESEMBLANCE TO JADE --as I had previously only seen her in my mind and attempted to put onto paper. The second thing to hit me was her NICELY WORDED and THOUGHTFUL PERSONAL MESSAGE which accompanied this original submission through Backstage. It encouraged me to visit her profile there, and look at her experience and talent more closely than I had any of those who had so obviously just spammed out their responses.

Julia is every bit as multi-faceted a creature as Jade Silver--just far more compassionate and soulful, and far less narcissistic and self-focused!

When I replied to her, it was my goal to be every bit as thoughtful as she had been herself when submitting. It was from this point that a real rapport and mutual respect was born before we ever even had the opportunity to speak a word to, or see each other. I explained what I needed, regarding a pre-taped audition with a side I provided; and even included another document that tries to very clearly lay out what I perceive to likely be specific challenges for any actor who may be courageous enough to take on this movie, and especially the role of "Jade Silver". As she worked on that "pre-taped audition" video, we also scheduled our first video conference on SKYPE.

During that very first meeting, Julia impressed me with her instinctive and insightful understanding of Jade Silver based upon only the brief amount of initially provided information-- she clearly explained the ways in which she relates to this type of character, and the many more ways that she knows she is far different.

She impressed me with a maturity, honesty, and frankness that was as welcome as unexpected. She impressed me with her focus as an artist, and goals in writing as well as acting. I was more than impressed to hear, as one of her first proud declarations-- and completely unsolicited, at that-- that she loved listening to Classical Music, and that many of her tastes ran to the rather classic and thus, ironically, non-traditional for her age group in 2016...

While nowhere near the narcissistic manipulatrix that we know Jade Silver to be, Julia proved to be every bit as dynamic, complex, and not-what-you-expected as the character I had created. There were several instances right from the very beginning in which I almost slipped and referred to her directly as "Jade" instead of "Julia".

As Jade, Julia will make you laugh and cry; she will scare you and thrill you; you will get mad at her and with her-- Julia owns Jade...and Jade will OWN YOU!

Over 50 actors submitted for this role in the end. Only about 4 included the type of thoughtful email that Julia did, and I always looked at each of those actors much more closely than I did any of the others. With the much higher submission rate, I never felt as compelled to reply to those who did not personalize theirs to at least some degree, though.

It felt nice to be dealing with such an overall higher level of quality, but a total of 11 actors were invited to submit audition tapes or to read live over SKYPE or Google Hangouts.

Out of those 11 who auditioned, 4 were very good, but only 2 really NAILED IT. One of those two was Julia Rosette, obviously-- and hers was a combination of 2 brief taped pieces and one live reading/audition. I do not want to discuss the other actor here because this spotlight is reserved for Julia Rosette, but I will say that the other actor is one I owe A LOT to already and definitely hope to collaborate with in the future, and whose work and career I will promote from this day forward (on FB and in future posts here, etc.).

Ultimately, Julia Rosette just convinced me that she would embody Jade completely. I realized this after catching myself in both our video meetings, as mentioned above, nearly calling her "Jade" instead of "Julia" at certain points as we both excitedly discussed the story, screenplay, or character. Hers was also the picture in my mind by which I judged other actors degree of resemblance to Jade. ("Does she look MORE like Jade that Julia does? I don't think so...").

Yet, I must be 100% clear here: It was NOT HER PHYSICAL RESEMBLANCE that earned her the part-- it was actually her focused talent as an actor, her friendly persistence, and her incredibly nuanced understanding of Jade as a character, and the whole story, upon reading the entire screenplay for the first time that sold me and my Senior Executive Producer, Rita McBean. The physical attributes that  align her own description with Jade's are very welcome once all those other pieces fit into place so nicely.

What REALLY matters now is that SOON when I say (or anyone says) the name "Jade Silver", it is Julia's face they--AND YOU-- will see. PLEASE help us make JULIA ROSETTE feel WELCOME and say "Hi" below! I know she will be checking in here occasionally to touch base with all of us, and would love to hear from you directly!

Say "HI!" to Julia below, and then follow this talented actor and her career through "The END of FUN" and beyond! 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Writing, Casting, Shooting, and Starring in a Nude Scene

Nudity is not fun for actors to think about most of the time. Neither is it fun for those on the production side-- especially if the guy who wrote it, is casting it, will direct and star in it are ALL THE SAME PERSON!

WOW, if there is one person less comfortable than the actresses potentially starring as Jade Silver and Kari K discussing their nudity in a scene, it can only be me. Really not sure, but cannot imagine that there are many other directors out there who maybe try harder to talk the actress out of the nude scene during the audition than INTO it.

Because my focus is on this movie, and the nudity is focused on one specific scene, this is not a matter of the horrific Hollywood SLEAZE STORIES that take place on a CASTING COUCH. This is not about me seeing a bunch of young girls naked--  While I certainly appreciate the female form in countless ways, the casting of these roles and shooting of the scene are far from erotic in my mind.

My focus is very specifically on exactly what I want to reveal to the audience in what may be the most important scene in the movie for many reasons, and how the audience should experience that scene. Because, I just CANNOT SPOIL THE SCENE, you will not see any real mention of what is happening in this scene. However, I will tell you that it is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MOVIE without this scene.

Not to sound too much like a writer/director here, but this particular scene is very much in many ways, the entire movie in miniature, and for it to work the characters are not wearing any clothes. It is a scene that I have troubled over from the very second I wrote the first draft. Any time I have EVEN TRIED to pull the nudity, the movie loses its potency and instead of its ending FLYING AT YOU like some crazed death-bird freaking you out so that you do not know what to think, it limps past you, almost begging you not to even look.

The very last thing that I want is for my overly exuberant nature to convince an actor they can and should take their clothes off, only to find out at the WORST TIME (while the shoot is happening) that they just are unable to commit and deliver.

Since I play the role of "Johnny Jones" in the movie, I am this scene, too! Being shirtless in this scene ALSO MAKES ME NERVOUS, but for even more reasons. I cannot blame the writer or director... I am him/.them... I am also 47 and out of shape-- THIS SCENE HAS ME WORKING OUT like crazy and watching what I eat/drink over the past few weeks (documenting the whole thing on video-- which I will post in a few weeks VERY UNCOMFORTABLY....). With the anxiety I feel about being in, asking others to be in, and shoot the scene, I definitely feel a little pressure.

The difference is that with this being my vision, my project, and my goal, I experience a level of passion and commitment that is unlike anything I have ever felt before. I WANT TO MAKE THIS MOVIE and MAKE IT RIGHT. This is one reason I want every star to be an Executive Producer-- they should have a say, as well as have a share of any money I may ever stumble across after the movie's completion, etc.

SO, my approach has been to be very upfront about the nudity, giving specific details related to the nudity required of each actor. Each time I have spoken with a new actor (male or female), I would rather OVERSELL how DIFFICULT the scene and the nudity may be, so that by the time I do bring actors on board, we both understand each and trust each other implicitly. Without that understanding and trust, I know it is not worth trying.

In fact, I send a document with "background and legitimate points of concern" to each, helping them understand the context of the movie as well, as things such as nudity and smoking that they may experience while shooting this movie. Following a video conference with some actors, one actress in particular very recently, I was very thankful to be given new and more specific information to include there. Now the "points of concern" are even separated and numbered, making them very hard to miss or misunderstand.

None of my actors should be surprised by anything I will ask of them once it comes time to shoot the movie. If I have done my job correctly, each will be beyond comfortable and focused on being well-prepared for the challenges that await once the cameras are rolling.

Nudity is not something I see coming up in a lot of movies from me. While other movies and stories of mine contain very sexy, and possibly profane or pornographic language and concepts/ideas, this movie is the first time that naked bodies became essential to the story. Not sex-- just the bodies.

COME SEE THE MOVIE!!! I PROMISE it will be worth it! EVERYONE will UNDERSTAND when they finall see "The END of FUN".

I have appointments every day (today is Thursday, July 21) for the next week with actresses hoping to play both Jade Silver and Kari K.

Just a few, I will be lucky enough to meet in person, and most initial meetings will simply take place over SKYPE and GOOGLE HANGOUTS. Our first topic is set to be a very candid and frank discussion of this scene.

I would MUCH RATHER actors TURN DOWN the ROLE immediately than for either of us to have a long discussion in which we become only increasingly more excited only to finally have to part ways over this one issue. In the process, I hope to serve a secondary purpose of building a strong network of good actors with whom there is a mutual level of ease and comfort in communication--and deep trust, particularly about potentially sensitive issues.

Several actors (male and female) have already chosen not to continue pursuing the role due to the nudity. One or two of those have stayed in constant contact, keeping tabs on the project anyway, which I find UNBELIEVABLY COOL. I know there are several of these folks that will collaborate well with me on other, more suitable projects, in the future.

To me-- right now--"The END of FUN" NEEDS this scene. If I achieve my goals and this movie gets a proper amount of attention, and there is only one scene is discussed as people walk out of the theater, this will be it. THIS SCENE CANNOT BE LOST!

Compromised? Changed? Possibly.

So far, for the role of "Jade Silver", I have allowed three actresses to read the entire script in the past three days, counting today; and one actress submitting for Kari K. In the end, I honestly figure that if someone really is the right fit, then they will be as passionate as I am about finding a way to make it work. Each of these people is a fresh set of eyes, as far as I'm concerned. This makes me more than willing to hear ideas and feedback.

I CANNOT IMAGINE anyone coming up with an idea strong enough to CHANGE MY MIND-- BUT, AS A COROLLARY: If one of these people does come up with an idea that I feel does work, then I feel like WE ALL WIN. Anytime, collaborators make each other better, EVERYBODY WINS!

If "The END of FUN" comes out without a topless Jade or Kari--or me; or without a naked Scab, or a naked Clown... then you can BET YOUR ASS that what you do see on the screen is what I believed to be the BEST CHOICE for the story and the movie! And you can KNOW it was the direct product of collaboration with extremely talented costars and Executive Producers. If the scene shows up as written, then PLEASE KNOW I TOOK GREAT PAINS to PROTECT EVERY ACTRESS and ACTOR during the process of shooting.

Of COURSE, I am extremely biased, but I really, really believe there is NOTHING ELSE LIKE THIS out there, and I mean that IN THE BEST WAY. WITH OR WITHOUT the nudity, the goal of EVERYONE INVOLVED will be to deliver the best and most entertaining version of "The END of FUN" possible!

RANT OVER! Thanks for reading! See you again VERY SOON!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Casting Announcement: Please Welcome JULIA BODEY!

Hello guys! Sorry for the repeated prolonged absence, but things really are gaining steam around here and I am still carrying far far FAR TOO MUCH of the load myself. I am not complaining at all, by the way-- such is the life of an independent movie-maker, especially if insisting upon a certain level of quality from all talent involved, IN FRONT OF and BEHIND the camera.

And that leads us to tonight's return:

  1. Because things are much busier, I can no longer honestly commit to a daily schedule of posting. For this, TO SOME I say "I'm sorry"... TO only a very few OTHERS, I say "You're welcome"! Instead of daily ranting, I will now commit to update this blog three times per week. The PROPOSED SCHEDULE is SUNDAY, TUESDAY, and FRIDAY nights. That doesn't mean I can't and won't post MORE, but will try to make that as my regular minimum schedule. Additionally, you should begin to receive much more real news and less overall ranting...NOT ZERO RANTS...Just less...
  2. Announce that OTHERS ARE JOINING the team and MAKING MY JOB EASIER! The reason for the delays has primarily been related to casting. After getting only a trickle of response when advertising primarily locally in San Diego, I got BURIED in QUALIFIED ACTORS within hours of posting our first ad on Auditions have started and actors are joining the team! Of course, each actor who comes on is also an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER. This gives them a stake of ownership in the movie itself, and helps to distribute the work that needs to be done, ensuring each person involved in any capacity is "wearing several hats"!

JULIA BODEY has joined "The END of FUN" as "Cammy" and our production team as an Executive Producer! 

In all my years of being involved in creative collaborations of any type, I have rarely experienced someone with the equal measures of enthusiasm and talent that Julia exhibits every time I encounter her, whether in email, on video, or finally-- IN PERSON!

Julia really wanted this role, and she made sure that I knew that through very strong approaches to the character each time we discussed or she read, especially when we finally did have the opportunity to sit down together yesterday. After getting what I needed on tape, I was so happy and sure that I wanted to add her to the cast that after she read HER OWN SCENE, that she went on to very effectively (and BLINDLY, I might add) read as KARI K, SCAB, and OTHERS large chunks of the rest with me right through to the end.

When we got to the end together, both of us were even more excited which make the offer very easy to make. I can only hope that the experience made it as easy for Julia to accept the role! Before she left, we even discussed having her help with auditions and she was excited about that as well.

I really think WE WON all the way around with by adding this talented person to our cast and team! When you see her on the screen, I know YOU WILL AGREE! 

Please make JULIA BODEY feel welcome and say "Hi" to her in the comments below! I'm sure she will check in here often and would LOVE to hear from you guys!

THANKS JULIA! Thanks Fun-Killers, family, friends, and fans!!!

#TEOFCasting #TEOFCast #TEOFCammy #TEOF1000

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Finding Jade Silver--Casting Update 1 (Just a Tease)

Hey Fun-Killers!

SHORT post tonight. I have had a SUPER-BUSY SUPER-PRODUCTIVE day, though. After earning enough money this morning to ensure that I can eat and drive enough to stay alive at least long enough to see this movie finished, I spent the rest of the day coordinating actors.

YES! This AMAZING NEWS! Following the relaunch and focusing our efforts, our pool of applicants, which TOTALED about 10 over nearly 4 weeks... SHOT UP to about 40 in 2 days! And these are not bullshit applicants floating in off Craigslist... These are QUALIFIED ACTORS!

For Jade. (I had an actress apply for this just about an hour ago who just IS JADE physically. I mean it is exciting and a little spooky. She is a great actress; a fresh face, but very talented and very passionate. If things go well with our conversations and auditions, I really think this may be the one! Picture NEXT TIME!!!)

For Kari K.

For VV.

For Scab.

I LOVE BACKSTAGE and plan to sing their praises for a long time to come. If you are on the West Coast and need talent, DO NOT HESITATE-- BEGIN with BACKSTAGE. Just wonderful results.

Today, I believe I locked down 2 Background Actors and 1 Featured Extra.

But more importantly, I have auditions and discussions SCHEDULED with ACTRESSES for the roles of Jade, Kari K, and Cammy over the next three days. Because 90% of the qualified and truly passionate talent is coming from Los Angeles, most initial contact is happening on SKYPE and Google Hangouts. 

The plan right now is to narrow down to the most qualified 2 or 3 for each role and have them all come down for ONE HUGE DAY of LIVE AUDITIONS next weekend and/or the following weekend. Of course, you will get all the details about that here first!

The next Casting Update will contain PHOTOS of my favorite candidates, and you can feel free to share your opinions and thoughts!

See you soon. Have some FUN until then!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What YOU can do to HELP! (Marketing an Indie Movie Part 2)

You can never have enough money. I mean...COME ON! This is America, after all. But this is especially true when making movies. As soon as you reach your budget, you will ALWAYS THINK OF ONE MORE good idea. It's just the way it works.

However, when you are shooting a FEATURE LENGTH MOVIE and doing it with a beginning budget of ZERO, the feeling resonates on a very deep level with every person involved in the production. The ONLY WAY we can really fund quality independent work today in 2016, is to TAKE CONTROL of the situation ourselves.

This means that EVERY PERSON working on a movie with me has to TAKE OWNERSHIP. I wrote this damned thing, I will shoot it, and star in it, but it QUIT BEING ONLY MINE during that very instant that I made the decision to turn in into a movie, which is a collaborative adventure by its very nature. Everyone who comes on board should be PASSIONATE and PROUD of the work they do with us, they should feel equally so about the work of their partners and family from the set every single day.

If every person at EVERY LEVEL goes after their job with that type of passion, with the committed idea that THIS MOVIE is something they can use to clearly show their next collaborators exactly what kind of work they produce, we will produce a quality piece of art. PERIOD.

And for me, that is the first step to any type of legitimate success in the arts. There are plenty of people who have flopped their way into success in one way or another in our "REALITY TV-OBSESSED" world, and some for the worst of reasons (Paris Hilton, anyone?). There are far too many shitheads running around Hollywood, the movie industry in general, as well as every other art who have zero interest in the art itself, and only seek fame and fortune.

WHY does anyone anywhere take her SERIOUSLY EVER? There were legitimate entertainment dollars paid to this piece of garbage that could have gone to making DOZENS of quality small movies, paying the salaries of hundreds of us "normal folks". Screw Paris Hilton (I humbly submit that as both an artist and a civilized human being...).

Would I, or anyone involved on "The END of FUN" reject some level of celebrity or increase in financial status as a result of our hard, focused efforts on this and other projects? HELL NO! We would Abso-motherfucking-lutely love it... BUT the people I work with are really only interested in that as a byproduct of their hard work and talent.

What we need is for every person involved on this production-- that means ME (OUR DIRECTOR AND WRITER), ALL of OUR CAST (from the LEADS to the BACKGROUND/EXTRAS), our PRODUCTION means the folks who work on MAKEUP and WARDROBE and CASTING... it means ALL our PRODUCERS... and? AND? It means we REALLY NEED YOU!

We will start our Kickstarter campaign next week after we have completed the casting for Jade Silver, Kari K, Scab, and VV. At that point, you can REALLY PUT THESE TECHNIQUES to WORK, but in the meantime you can practice  and REALLY HELP by spreading the links for our Twitter (@ENDofFUN), this blog (, and our FB Page

We REALLY would like to see the FB page reach 1000 people in the next 30 days! All it takes is a few people to SHARE it AND ASK those others to share it too. Make sure that when they also share it for you, that they in turn ask the folks with whom they share it to also keep sharing it.  Confusing?


  • Let your friends and family KNOW what you are doing (regardless of your role--EVEN FAN/SUPPORTER!!!) and how much its success means to you. If it doesn't mean A LOT to you--- it will mean NOTHING to them!
  • Tell them you are going to regularly be sharing posts and updates from the movie (and ESPECIALLY ONCE the KICKSTARTER BEGINS)
  • Explain to them that they would be HELPING YOU by helping us and that doing that is EASY! 
    • All they have to do is occasionally hit "LIKE" on the things you post related to the feature (see? this is why you gotta tell em about it in the first place... so their eyes and brains know to look for and respond when they see it show up from your feed)
    • SOMETIMES, if they REALLY want to help, they can ALSO SHARE the same link or update you shared (if they are older, please show them exactly how easy FB, Twitter, etc. makes it to repost/share, etc.)
    • And then, if they really really REALLY want to help, then just every rare once in a while, they ask one (or a few-- or a hundred---) of those folks they have been sharing with to do the same
      • BUT keep it low pressure on them too-- We pass along the desire to help, but also the desire to be mellow, low pressure, and friendly about it!
  • There are some other techniques that make this more refined, but are not as important as the basic steps above
    • OTHER TECHNIQUES (for the SM advanced)
      • Actually CLICK THROUGH occasionally and/or VISIT the FB Page instead of waiting for it to show up in your feed (FB algorithms are NOT YOUR FRIEND-- well, really they're NOT MINE-- once they see that people start visiting and noticing a page, they intentionally make it more obscure which encourages the page-owner to "BOOST" it and...SPEND MONEY!
      • Just go right to the FB MOVIE Page directly sometimes.
        • While there, click on stuff and leave a few comments-- even if "Sounds really cool" or something else very basic.
        • SOMETIMES just hit the "share" button on FB, Twitter, etc.
        • SOMETIMES go and grab the link yourself WITHOUT SEEING IT in your FB feed first, then post the link directly
        • Leave comments
        • Encourage others to click "LIKE" and to leave comments
      • Create and post memes related to the movie (use ours if you don't want to create your own!)
      • On Twitter and FB, use our hashtags
        • #TheENDofFUN
        • #TEOF1000
        • #TEOFCast
        • #TEOFMemes
    • JUST SHARE The URL for this blog:!
  • THAT's really it for the blog, twitter and FB for now, though; Most of this is good training for the Kickstarter, but Crowdfunding requires a bit more nuance and finesse. We will discuss that AND GIVE MORE TIPS in a separate post after it is kicked off!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The REAL Real Story: Why Karaoke? Why a "Karaoke Crime" Story??? READ AND FIND OUT!!! (PART 3)

This is the third and FINAL INSTALLMENT in this TRILOGY of posts, explaining WHY I have not only chosen, but OBSESS about bringing you this "karaoke crime" story, the world's first Karaoke Noir Movie, "The END of FUN". And this time, I get NOTHING BUT the TRUTH!(Are you NEW?!? Need to catch up?!? CLICK HERE FOR PART 1 or CLICK HERE FOR PART 2

WHO can you TRUST?

As just plain effing pretentious as it sounds, the real reason for doing a "Karaoke Crime" story is that I wanted to do something that I was ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN would be like nothing else before it. This, as most writers know, is easy. Just sit down and write some "word salad"...THERE! Something unlike anything else!

My thoughts, my goals, aspirations, and vision were to not only do something "different", but to do something that, WHILE DIFFERENT may also have some WIDER APPEAL. Within that, I wanted to do something very personal at the same time.

One drunk night at The Carriage House, I pulled out that ever-present folded piece of notebook paper and began to scratch out notes just brainstorming the disparate elements I wanted to see come together in a way that would make them not seem disparate at all. KARAOKE NOIR was the answer...

Who do I think will like "The END of FUN"? People who like intense romantic dramas. Guys, take your girlfriends!

There is definitely some FATAL ATTRACTION in "The END of FUN!"

WHO do I think will like "The END of FUN"? People who like stories that pull the rug out from under you, with strange twists.

THIS movie and Alfred Hitchcock lit the fuse on life-long love of twist endings! PSYCHO still has one of the BEST TWISTS EVER!

WHO DO I think will like "The END of FUN"? People who like good music and like to "tap their toes" from the beginning of a movie until its end. Like MUSICALS?...well, you ALMOST get that!

ANOTHER of my all-time FAVORITE MOVIES! Thank God for seeing and falling in love with the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the age of about 10. When I saw this movie in my mid-30's, my love for it was IMMEDIATE! HEDWIG & THE ANGRY INCH is definitely a MUSICAL (much more so than our movie) but inspires what I wanted to do in "The END of FUN" greatly...

WHO DO I THINK will like "The END of FUN"? People who like DARK COMEDIES and are not afraid to go ahead and laugh...even when they KNOW THEY SHOULDN'T!

Be HONEST for a second with me, here. OK? Did you laugh when Steve Buscemi's character meets the wood-chipper in FARGO? Well, you might find yourself laughing during "The END of FUN"... and you may hate yourself for it later!

WHO DO I THINK WILL like "The END of FUN"? People who like movies by some of my favorite filmmakers and storytellers like David Lynch, Christopher Nolan, Tom Tykwer, David Fincher, Alfred Hitchcock, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Darren Aronofsky. People who like to dissect and talk shit about movies...even when THEY LOVE THEM!

I...LOVE...DAVID LYNCH... EVERYTHING DAVID LYNCH...ALWAYS... Whole post coming soon!

WHO DO I THINK WILL LOVE "The END of FUN"? People who like CRIME NOIR stories with very intense, bloody, over-the-top violence. Not quite KARAOKE GRINDHOUSE, but certainly KARAOKE NOIR!

KARAOKE NOIR really IS the answer. In the previous two posts about "Why Karaoke", I tried to be revealing and provide insight into the process that did lead from that one simple phrase "Karaoke Noir", but like it or not, fortunately or unfortunately, that's it...

After my epiphanies and conversion to full-fledged karaoke bar regular... After my discovery and frequenting of THE CARRIAGE HOUSE... After the many conversations I had had, and the many I had simply observed or overheard there...After my near-fatal ass-whipping on the way home on that fateful June night... On the night I sat down and really decided what I wanted to write a story about that phrase drove the entire process and almost immediately allowed my brain to spit out "Jade Silver", knowing far too much about her in a rather instantaneous fashion.

As soon as I conceptualized Jade, I knew that as a "femme fatale", I wanted her to be complex. Sexy, mysterious, smart, devious, cunning, manipulative, forceful. It immediately occurred to me that she was a stripper who, while born with a stripper's name actually used a rather mundane name while on stage. Additionally, she would not just be smart, but brilliant and fully educated to an MBA level from UCLA. I knew way too much too fast.

Jade helped me find the rest of the story. She was the "Femme Fatale" in what I felt sure would be watched, accepted and enjoyed as the world's first (maybe only?) "Karaoke Noir" movie.

After people watch this movie, I hope that instead of feeling like it was a jarring MISH-MASH of non-blending genres, that viewers walk out with pleased smiles on their faces. My goal is that combining karaoke romance and crime noir is the unexpected movie pleasure that the Reese's Cup is in the candy world.

Hey! You got your Karaoke Romance on my CRIME NOIR!

Oh Yeah?? You got your Crime Noir on my KAROKE ROMANCE!


Your visit here is NOT REALLY COMPLETE until you enjoy this vintage candy commercial from REESES CUPS that inspired my madness directly above!

 Reese's Cups-- got your peanut butter on my chocolate, etc... Only for KARAOKE NOIR, imagine combinations of stuff like the following!


Seeing this movie in the theater with my at-that-time girlfriend impacted me deeply emotionally. Much deeper than it had her... I am fairly certain this particular female actually has no soul...but that is another story for another day! SINGLES IS AWESOME! Music and romance...just well done!

Wow, oh wow. A few actors give incredibly memorable performances in this, from Brad Pitt in a very early role to the main stars of CHRISTIAN SLATER and PATRICIA ARQUETTE. An AWESOME STORY that is a BLAST TO WATCH! (watch it just for Gary Oldman, if nothing else....)


I watched this movie on cable one day MANY YEARS ago... it is kind of AWFUL...but I AM SO GLAD I SAW IT!!!

Blue Velvet impacted me at the age of 17 in a way that no movie ever had. It has always been a goal to deliver my own story that could have such a visceral impact on an audience.

While I wanted "Karaoke Noir" to combine the genres of (Karaoke/Musical) Romance and Crime Noir, I also did not want anything to feel forced or obvious. I wanted to do it using the karaoke  not just as background but as plot development. I wanted to use real life events. I want our viewers to laugh, get turned on, freak out with fear, cringe at violence and anger, and LOVE the HEROES!

I wanted people to experience something unexpected but still walk away satisfied in that way that only a Reese's Cup might encourage...ONLY YOU WILL MAY JUDGE how successful my team and I are at accomplishing these lofty, if not bizarre goals.

Please always feel free to talk to us in the comments area below! We are absolutely THRILLED AND HONORED that you are following, or have followed, us this far! Please keep checking back. Things are really getting exciting!

#TEOFInfluences #TRUTH #KaraokeNoir 

Monday, July 11, 2016


Helllloooooo Fun-Killers!  Did you miss me?

I apologize for the super-extra long delay since my last post, but the past few days have been INCREDIBLY BUSY as we move into PHASE 2 of producing "The END of FUN". There will likely be at a few more unexpected absences over the next few months, when pressing matters demand my immediate attention, but I do promise it will not be many. In the future, I will always try to post a little something just to let you know we're out there and still kicking, no matter what. (Maybe just whatever I'm listening to that day, or what comic I'm reading... etc...)

Hopefully, all of you regular readers will notice a VERY DIFFERENT APPEARANCE to this blog. That is just one of the many things that has had my attention so badly diverted. And honestly, with there being such a clearly different look, and completely different type of news coming from the next posts, I decided that a few days off could act as a bit of a firewall between the past stuff and everything else hurtling at us from the future. (Firewall-- GET IT? The new look...? Get it? OK... Whatever... I hear you....)

Oooooohhh, Meta. Right? It's a brand new look for us!

MOST IMPORTANTLY, we did have our first table read this past weekend on Saturday, July 9, 2016. As Rita McBean (my Senior Executive Producer--see below) and I expected, the attendance was much lighter than the response rate would have indicated. This, of course, was part of our mad plan the entire time! Just an indirect means of checking the true level of interest, commitment, and passion from those folks who are immediately surrounding us and others on the production, physically on a daily basis.

EXCITEMENT IS CONTAGIOUS! Sometimes the people around those of us who are ACTUALLY TIGHTLY INVOLVED and COMMITTED to this project, become temporarily stricken with their own vicarious sense of thrill and wonder. The habits, routines, and addictions of their daily lives escape them for the moment, and they find themselves blindly proclaiming and promising enormous levels of assistance that is ironically overshadowed by the very small amount that only even a very few of those folks really deliver on. This is NOT A COMPLAINT, simply the reality of being an independent artist. Sadly, if "The END of FUN" achieves any measurable level of success, many of those folks will be the ones attempting to rewrite history and eagerly share stories with others of how they delivered on what they promised, when really they never even showed up for a single second.

From this point on, we are moving beyond the passive work on casting our actors and hiring our crew. To that end, we posted our first ad on a professional acting site tonight and immediately began to receive replies from qualified candidates. You can check that out here

We will also be putting notices up at the San Diego State University drama department, on other professional acting sites, and even contacting agencies. Ads seeking professionals for the camera and sound crew will soon follow on craigslist and many other places. Things will start moving MUCH  MORE RAPIDLY toward our goal from this point. Our Kickstarter crowdfunding efforts will begin later this week, and of course be announced right here in yet another wordy, overly informative post!

The HEROES of independent movies largely go UNSUNG, but I want to make sure that I REGULARLY PRAISE and EXPRESS MY ENORMOUS GRATITUDE and WONDER at being able to work with each and every person who does choose to work with us. Working with me will NEVER BE EASY, but none of you will EVER GO UNNOTICED!

To that end, there is BIG NEWS! One reason for the event this weekend, was to solidify the core production team and begin to solidify roles/titles/etc and delegate related duties. Please take a moment to read about each of these AMAZING PEOPLE and why I am SO EXCITED that each of them has already begun GIVING THIS PRODUCTION EVERYTHING they have! I will introduce everyone, a few a time over the next weeks.

THIS WHOLE TEAM are regular readers of this blog. MAKE THEM FEEL WELCOME! Take a second to SAY HELLO or WELCOME to each of them down in our comments section!

Rita McBean (Senior Executive Producer)
Rita was the first person to read the rough draft of the screenplay for "The END of FUN", and also the first producer or crew of any type to be added. Her unbridled, unmatched, unmatchable enthusiasm, passion, and energy for this project alone, would be enough to count ourselves lucky to have her working with us. However, she is also an artist in her own right, producing drawings and paintings on a regular basis. She has experience on both sides of the camera in the movie business and says SHE HAS NEVER BEEN AS EXCITED about any artistic project as she is about "The END of FUN"! 

Ty Miller (Featured Actor and Executive Producer)
Ty Miller is NOT JUST PLAYING the character called Flash in "The END of FUN", he is literally the inspiration for the character and a real-life regular at The Carriage House in San Diego. In the movie, he sings the song "Take Me to Church" which is a song he sings quite often when I see him out at the Carriage House. You will understand exactly why, beyond the plot, I chose this song to be sung and exactly why I chose this character and actor to deliver it! If you ever see Ty in person at the Carriage House on a Friday or Saturday night, ask him to do UPTOWN FUNK and his performance will leave you speechless! Ty will add energy, talent, and a sense of the real experience that only this special bar can share. Look for big things in the future from this guy, but always remember YOU SAW HIM HERE FIRST!

Teresa McGee (Executive Producer)
Teresa originally only heard of my screenplay as an offhand mention through a third-party, but it GRABBED HER ATTENTION immediately. She contacted me and asked to read it and we got a copy out to her quickly! Her praise and excitement for "The END of FUN" nearly surpasses my own, and she is a very important reason for my decision to move forward with this so confidently. Teresa brings a lifetime of experience related to the arts, production, fundraising, and particularly crowd-funding recently. EVERYONE ON OUR TEAM considers themselves lucky that we are able to tap just a portion of the energy and positivity that she brings to our team, and we gladly do everything in our power to earn that and return it to her on a daily basis! WE COULD NOT DO THIS MOVIE WITHOUT TERESA, and the credits will contain an official dedication to this wonderful person for all her efforts and contributions.

THAT IS ALL FOR THIS POST! We still have several other new faces to show you,but will reveal them gradually in future posts! Make all these guys FELL WELCOME and SAY HELLO in the COMMENTS SECTION below!

See you soon! Keep sharing and spreading!


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

We Need YOU! (Marketing an Indie Movie Part 1)

Making movies is never easy.

No matter how much I read about the challenges faced by directors like The Russo Brothers on HUGE MOVIES like CAPTAIN AMERICA III: CIVIL WAR, at this point my understanding is simply limited by experience. I can IMAGINE what it must be like to participate in the crazy process, money, and politics involved with bringing a character like SPIDER-MAN over from Sony... BACK to Marvel (sort of) to be used in that movie and then later reboot the franchise again, this time with Marvel in control (sort of) while Sony continues to hold the rights (sort of) and do other stuff (sort of) with the character and its related property from the Marvel Comics.

But I can ONLY IMAGINE at this point.

I have LOVED all three Captain America Movies! Cap II: Winter Soldier MAY still be my fav, though... NOT SURE YET! YOU?

I have spent nearly my entire life, not only watching movies, but studying them. The very first Oral Report I ever gave was in 6th Grade for Mrs. Owen in the PATS (Program for Academically Talented Students...AHEM! That's right--and go to Hell, Mrs Armes--) Program. Even at that age, I was already obsessed not only with the movies I enjoyed, but with HOW they were made, so that first report was on the production and "stop motion animation" of the original KING KONG. It was the first time that I ever made the connection between the number of frames per second in a movie and the "number of frames" perceived by the human eye.

OK! Can we all just admit that while both the Cap poster above and this King Kong poster both do their jobs very effectively, the King Kong Poster is a PIECE OF ART in its own right? I would LOVE to have this on my wall!
Source (WP:NFCC#4)
It boggled my mind to learn that what I was seeing in just a few seconds would often take the filmmakers an entire day to shoot. The King Kong 21" MODELS would be moved, carefully placed, BRUSHED (to attempt to hide the fact that the model was being handled by human hands-- this may still be noticed in the film as it exists as Kong's fur moves inconsistently and unnaturally throughout the film. Supposedly, this detail bothered the animators, chasing them to their detail-driven graves.), then filmed, then moved, placed, articulated, brushed, and shot all over again! 

The information I learned about making movies completely changed how I watched them.

And it all started with King Kong. This movie is STILL one of my is the remake from the 80's...AND Peter Jackson's remake in the 2000's! I LOVE KONG! Not just for the story but for that initial spark my love for him ignited, opening my mind to the possibility of making movies myself one day in the future.

Before that, though, in true "Little Rascals/Our Gang" style, I was pretty well-known for organizing and dreaming up stories for me, my sisters, and our friends to perform of the garage outside our house in Louisville, KY...MANY Years earlier.

Before that? I wrote my very first story in 1977. It had a beginning, middle, and end...and I still stand behind it as a story today.  Not the writing, mind you-- I was in SECOND GRADE! But the concept and the major beats of the story lend themselves to a project I will likely tackle in the near future (EVERY PERSON I tell about the story insists I write it again as an adult--IF I EVER GROW UP!), so I can't tell you more than the title. I can tell you that because I feel like it is likely to change, and it does tell you enough: "Civil War Soldiers Vs. The Giant Tarantula" (I DID grow up in KY and LOVE watching monster movies...LOL....'nuff said!)

My little QUICKIE 2 Minute Concept Movie Poster for...CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS VS. THE GIANT TARANTULA!

Now I HAVE made movies. I've done it on a zero budget. I've done it with NO EQUIPMENT. I've done it with folks that were just cutting their teeth, much as I was. (A skillful look around this blog or a quick Google search for "praxdog productions")

THIS time? We WILL have a budget. We will have EQUIPMENT. We will HIRE EXPERIENCED ACTORS.

THIS TIME? I'm going to KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF! I promise.

I promise each of you reading this that the story "The END of FUN" should be put on the screen. It should be done so by me. I promise each and ALL OF YOU that the production value will be UNLIKE anything you have seen from me BEFORE! I am bringing in EXPERTS RIGHT NOW! I promise EVERYONE that I will deliver the performance of my lifetime. I will DRAW AMAZING PERFORMANCES from my cast. I will INSPIRE and EARN LOYALTY from EVERY PERSON involved in this production.



Unlike Peter Jackson, we DO NOT have Hollywood $$ chasing us and only determining HOW MUCH to give us... We don't have the budget of the ORIGINAL which was from 1933!!!


For this movie to be made, we will depend on crowdfunding efforts through The page will be built this week and go live this weekend. The SEQUEL to this post (Marketing an INDIE Part 2) will be posted at that time. It will be MUCH BRIEFER. The purpose will not be so much to explain how and WHY WE NEED YOU in the way this one did, but instead will explain and share HOW YOU MIGHT HELP if you would like to! I will list ALL OUR SOCIAL MEDIA including the Kickstarter, FB Page, Twitter and even refer back to this blog itself!

I will also provide "copy and paste"-able blurbs you can use all over the net if you choose to help. I and some fans have already produced a few movie-related "memes" that you can start spreading now. After we cast the movie over the next week or two, NEW MEMES will APPEAR that show the STARS OF THE MOVIE!!!

Making a movie is never easy. Making an indie without the support of friends and fans is IMPOSSIBLE in this world TODAY!

To get this movie made, the story was critical. The casting and acting will be vital. The directing must be at PROFESSIONAL and visionary levels.

To get this movie made, we will need you EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!

Please start today! 

Share the link for THIS BLOG! 

Share the link for Twitter!  (or @ENDofFUN)

SAVE and SHARE ANY OF THESE MEMES! (FEEL FREE TO MAKE YOUR OWN-- Share them with us here or on FB!)


A fan sent this first one and inspired me to do the next to using hers as a model!

The amazing Julia Rosette will stun you as JADE SILVER. TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

Monday, July 4, 2016

The REAL Story: Why Karaoke? Why a "Karoke Crime" story??? READ AND FIND OUT!!! (PART 2)

AHA! You didn't know there would be a sequel to "Why Karaoke? Why a 'Karaoke Crime' story...", did you? (need to catch up? Click HERE!) Well, now that this post is being published and the cat's out of the bag, I made one small edit to that post-- to the title actually and added "(PART 1)"... Now everyone who visits for the first time will have a completely different experience reading these posts than you did.

Don't you feel special now?

It's all  about the NOIR!...NO, no no! Not Drakkar Noir... (*SEE NEXT PIC for clarification)
Is it finally at least a LITTLE BIT worth it to have stayed strong, stuck with it, and slogged through all of the previous posts? A little? I hope you feel special. You are. There is only a VERY SMALL group of people at this point who KNOW ANYTHING about this karaoke crime flick that I irreverently referred to on my FB profile as a semi-musical, action, crime thriller with heart (or something like that-- you get the idea). That number of people is growing quickly though.

Every new fan is special to me. Each person who spreads the links-- every person who comes here because of one of those links-- all are special to me. Hopefully you will see just how special through my regular communication with you here, as well as in the final product "The END of FUN".

 All of us are special for one reason, at least. We are the first to hear the term: "karaoke noir" in the world of film. "The END of FUN" will be the first "karaoke noir" film in the whole entire universe, possibly for all of time (do you think this will catch on as a genre? Really?). It doesn't matter what brought you here either. Casual reader, blog enthusiast, indie film fan, actors and actresses, my own friends and family, those who form the guts of the entity we know as The Carriage House, etc., my goal is that if you hang in, and continue to come back often enough--ESPECIALLY if you make it all the way to that final movie "The END of FUN", I hope the words "karaoke noir" roll off the tongue as something more than a crazy idea for an indie that more than a handful of people may ever see.


WHY? is still the question, though. WHY a Karaoke Crime story? WHY KARAOKE NOIR?

Honestly, I believe the idea of writing a crime story related to a karaoke bar, the Carriage House specifically, occurred to me after one catastrophic night in June of 2014. Like the movie only in that it was a night that began much like any other, and in fact had been really wonderful, but nearly ended in my own murder. All the details, AND the beating are more intense in the movie and driven by far different, less honorable motives.

Whaaaaaaaaat? (I can hear many of your minds screaming right now)

Yeah. I got my face crushed by two assholes who ruined a beautiful night, my beautiful natural top front teeth, my glasses, my pants, and shirt (which were both soaked as it turned out, in my blood), leaving me pretty much for dead in the parking lot of a strip mall on Convoy Street in the Clairemont area of San Diego.

Like many other great nights at the Carriage House, I walked outside the bar that night charged and feeling great. I had really only drunk about three beers and knew that I could very safely make the drive home. In my opinion, it could have been both safe and legal-- I wouldn't even consider it otherwise (YUP-- there's another long story there that you'll have to just wait for...).

But. I was buzzed and I knew it.

And. The night was BEAUTIFUL! We're talking Mid-June in San Diego. The warmth of the night and the warmth of my buzz combined just encouraged me to walk home instead. Like I said it was only about a mile and half anyway. Even walking wouldn't take long... Normally.

Not long after turning the corner from Balboa onto Convoy and heading toward the bridge over the 805 near 7-11 (the HANDFUL of you that are from the area are like "Oh yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about--most of the rest are like "HUH?"-- and maybe one or two are like "Hmm. I'm gonna drive and find this whole area..."), I heard a girl yelp and call for help in the distance. Most of my closest friends and family know very well that my very first career choice as a child, when asked was "SuperHero".

"Spider-Man taught me to read!!!" This was the first comic I ever remember buying for myself...I THINK I BOUGHT it with money from my 5th birthday!!!

I have been collecting comic books since I was about 5 years old, and often like to exaggerate that "Spider-Man taught me to read" which is not far from the truth. My obsessive-compulsive nature, even at the young age of 4 and 5 years old just forced me to understand what Spidey was saying as I flipped through the comic books I would beg, borrow, and steal (yes, steal. even made my own mother my unwitting "wheelman" once-- LONG STORY.... someday...maybe...) to add into my collection. My Uncle Tony was more of a DC Comics guy but that also exposed me to Neal Adams on Batman and Green Lantern/Green Arrow, Curt Swan on Superman, and all kinds of just amazing stuff.

Finding and reading this Batman comic in my Uncle Tony's collection changed the way I thought about the character of Batman (who in my mind WAS Adam West), the Joker...and of comics in general. NEAL ADAMS is amazing!

The reaction was always the same. I knew exactly what those word balloons were all about. I knew that the captions were telling me important stuff. I had to know. I taught myself to read so that I could not only enjoy the Dr.Seuss books  my mom read to me occasionally, any time I wanted; but so much more importantly to know what all these HEROES were saying and doing! When people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I might answer "Spider-man". If they told me that wasn't realistic because he had powers that just made it impossible and that I would never have powers like that, I would nod in agreement and quickly shoot back "OK, then. Batman. He doesn't have any powers. Just strong and smart with a mask."

Like the Batman  comic above, I discovered this amazing Green Lantern/Green Arrow comic book among the shelves of books belonging to my Uncle Tony. It changed the way I thought about comics again. It also changed the way I thought about horror. The idea of injecting drugs for pleasure GIVES ME CHILLS to this day, in large part because of this book! 

Becoming an ESL (English as a Second Language) Instructor in my mid 40's is the actual closest I have ever come to feeling like a real-life super-hero. Every day I wake up and feel like I have the chance to make a difference in someone's life, to help them improve their life.

The actions I took on that night in June of 2014 could have taken my ability to teach away at the best of circumstances, but could have and nearly did leave me dead.

My ridiculously protective instincts that have been nurtured since the age of 5 kicked in immediately as I heard that scared yelp. I looked ahead and saw two young Korean girls standing beside a car in the parking lot of the strip mall that has several restaurants and the UGGS boot store. Standing close to them were two white guys. One guy looked to be in his late 20's or early 30's and was BIG! He had very very short hair and looked like he could have been in the military or have been former-military. His friend was my age or older (very hard to judge actually-- I would guess mid 40's but with longer greasy gray hair and a much more leathered skin-- he could have been almost 60-- really don't know) and both were wearing jackets that looked like biker club jackets but again, there were no marks that I remember and could swear to, etc. Just a vague memory...

"HEY!" I yelled announcing my impending arrival for no reason at all. "Are these guys bothering you all?" I pointed from the girls to the guys. One of the girls said, "He has my keys and won't let us leave."

When I turned to look, the younger, BIGGER, guy was holding her keys out on the end of his extended index finger and letting them rock back and forth with absolutely no protection, simply daring someone to take them. So I did. Gently but definitely and quickly, I removed them and handed them, in one continuous motion, to the girl who had explained their dilemma.

"Get in your car and get out of here right now. OK?" I pleaded as much as ordered.

Before anyone could thank me or I could even begin to pat myself on the back, my arms were being wrenched behind me so that I could hear and feel things grinding in my shoulders and back just before an enormous fist attached to the younger, BIGGER guy landed directly in my solar plexus. Consciousness flickered for the first of what would seem like an infinite number of times over the next few seconds.

Even with consciousness strobing immediately, instincts brought my leg out into a kick as the older guy pulled my arms back and that first punch landed. I heard the younger guy squeal and saw him waving his other hand and can only assume that I did land that one strike successfully. It seemed only to enrage him to wild new levels, though. He jumped back, howling in pain for one split second before bringing another crushing blow down directly into my face.

And there go the lights again.

This time when the lights came back on, my arms were no longer being held behind me, but that was my one and only shred of good news. With my hair and scalp being used as a handle by the BIGGER guy, my face smashed repeatedly and with great force against the concrete parking lot stop and the asphalt of the parking lot itself. Kicks and punches joined the recipe of my oncoming murder when I heard the word "...police..." come out of the older guy's mouth.

This was about a day and a half after the attack and just a few hours before I went in to get permanent implants made. All together between dentist and doctor, I was out about $3000 due to this attack! It took me a year to pay off all the bills. Not as bad as you thought? WORSE? The rest of my face was pretty bruised, scraped and cut. Poor Johnny gets about 1000X the treatment I received in "The END of FUN"...

This time when the lights came back on, there were no further smashings. As always, for whatever reason, my eye-glasses became my first priority and I reached around the parking lot looking somewhat like a very abused Velma from Scooby-Doo..."my glasses... has anyone seen my glasses?..." I found my badly bent and broken glasses and shoved them into my pocket, looking around for my attackers who had disappeared, but I did not immediately see any police either.

There were a few handfuls of people standing very far away along the strip mall itself and there may indeed be footage of my ass-whipping floating around out there somewhere. If so, PLEASE share it with me here!

The feeling of a mouth filled with gravel pushed the spectre of death back off into the distance for a while. wasn't gravel. It was teeth. This was what actually finally brought my first tears in this whole experience. The loss of my front teeth. Something I have had nightmare about since I was a very young kid, particularly powerful during the 2+ years that I painfully wore braces. The pain of that experience SOLD ME on the idea of proper dental maintenance and I really have always taken very good care of my teeth. Now, I could feel them in hundreds of pieces floating through my mouth on my own blood and saliva.

The burst of tears and the sudden realization of my exploded face caused me to look down. My clothes were soaked in blood. My clothes were soaked in MY BLOOD.

Disoriented, concussed, pissed, but driven, I found my way to my feet and began to make my way home. I really wanted sleep. After my first few steps in the right direction, I noticed the blue lights across the street. There were police there after all. Because I couldn't wear my nearly-destroyed glasses, I could not be sure that it was my attackers, but the people being arrested did have the same basic shape.

During the best of times, I usually do not have much desire to speak with the police and will usually go out of my way to avoid them whenever at all possible. Satisfied the assholes were being dealt with, and with an overwhelming desire in my brutalized body and concussed brain for sleep, my feet moved with one purpose only and that was to CARRY ME HOME.

The next morning, I called and scheduled emergency dental surgery but would not have permanent replacements for several very depressing days. The loss of those teeth and my smile still the primary concern to my long-addled mind. Just about $3000 and a year's worth of payments later and my face began to look somewhat the same again.

My "bionic chompers" are never going to look as good as my natural teeth, but as you can see in this picture taken a few months after the attack, I was--and AM-- quite pleased to have something other than the cracked mess you see above! (I grew the beard for months, until the holes in my upper and lower lip had healed completely.)

The beating Johnny takes in the movie makes what happened to me look like a walk in the park. But it is also the lemonade made from the lemons of that nearly fatal encounter. I refuse to let situations such as that affect me in a long-term way for the negative. Transforming it, giving it to Johnny and even its intensification are my way of EXORCISING any negativity and TRYING TO USE IT in a positive way by creating a scene in a movie that I really believe you will never forget.

But you? You are special, see? Others who don't read this blog. Others who can't make it all the way through these ranting manifestos? They will never know the painful and bloody seeds of personal circumstance from which that scene grew and grows.

Karaoke Noir. It's real. And YOU WILL HELP MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Thanks for reading!
#TEOFFaceSmash #TEOFinfluence #KaraokeNoir