www.KaraokeNoir.com (This will take your directly to our Kickstarter fundraising page. Please pledge your donation today! Even $1 will make a HUGE DIFFERENCE on our overall SUCCESS! Thank you in ADVANCE!)
WTF is Karaoke Noir? WTF is a Karaoke Crime? Are YOU a Karaoke Criminal?
WTF is Karaoke noir?
WTF is a karaoke crime?
Have you ever committed a karaoke crime?
Are you a karaoke criminal?
These are the questions PLAGUING Americans right now. (NO, Really! They are! Didn't you know? Well....you are totally out of it, man! You are the ONLY ONE whose mind is not literally SPLITTING into SPLINTERS over these deep, meaningful questions.
The ANSWERS are SIMPLE, but probably NOT what anyone has EXPECTED...
A "Karaoke Noir" is simply a dark, tale filled with crime and a classic femme fatale, but centered around the world of Karaoke. Think "Crime Noir" meets "Musical"-- THINK "Singles" meets "Blue Velvet"...think "Duets" meets "True Romance"...
A"Karaoke Crime" is crime that utilizes karaoke to perpetrate (or assist in the perpetration) of any crime. BUT, this really seems to be a matter of opinion (See Videos Below!)
A "Karaoke Criminal" is either someone who utilizes karaoke in the commission of a crime (or to assist in the commission of a crime) OR it is anyone who sings Nu-Country songs (Of course, that is merely my oh-so-humble opinion...This is a highly personal, and sometimes volatile topic!)...
TRUTH? It is all about #KaraokeNoir because the crowdfunding for our movie is being done on Kickstarter at www.KaraokeNoir.com. As part of our marketing campaign for our movie, I have gone out for several weekends and spoken with TONS of PEOPLE and asked them for answers to questions for which they were completely unprepared. SOME are MORE CLEARLY UNPREPARED than others.
ALL the VIDEOS are FUNNY, but some are just flat out HYSTERICAL! I am deeply in debt to every person who answered these questions and allowed me to use them as part of this campaign! SO FAR, nearly EVERYONE who has come in contact with our production has been VERY EAGER and ENTHUSIASTIC to assist us!
The ENTIRE CAST and CREW for "The END of FUN" is deeply in debt to all of you (and to SO MANY OTHERS!). Thank you everyone for all your help. ENJOY THESE VIDS! Spread them far and wide!
WTF is Karaoke Noir?
WTF is a Karaoke Crime?
MORE COMING SOON! (Including the answers to "Are YOU a Karaoke Criminal?") Stay Tuned!
Please Pledge your Donation and HELP us make "The END of FUN" at www.KaraokeNoir.com (EVEN $1 will help tremendously -- LITERALLY EVERY $ Counts!)
#KaraokeNoir #WhatISKaraokeNoir #WhatTheFUCKisKaraokeNoir #KaraokeCrime #WhatISaKaraokeCrime #KaraokeCriminal #WTFisKaraokeNoir #WTFisAKaraokeCriminal
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