But one of the most interesting and unique roles that I took on was that of Casting Director.
In this role, I spent an ENORMOUS amount of TIME reading and watching a variety of submissions from actors for the roles of "Kari K", "Cammy", "VV", "Scab", "Dollar", and many others. The most challenging of all these was "Jade Silver" and there actually was about 5 minutes very early on where I panicked a little about whether we would ever find ANYONE who FIT this ROLE! After placing an ad on Backstage.com, which again is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, I finally began to become exposed to a few actors who seem to fit the role, and then finally met and hired JULIA ROSETTE who simply seemed to BECOME JADE!
However, there were a few other very positive experiences during that casting process. Most NOTABLE OF ALL these actors and experiences was ALEXANDRA HELLQUIST.
See REVIEW for "SOLE PROPRIETOR" under the picture!
Alexandra Hellquist was absolutely the coolest and most helpful person I have talked to PERIOD during the development of this project who is not directly involved with our current production in any way. In "SOLE PROPRIETOR", Alexandra STEALS EVERY SCENE as "Sophie"!
Alexandra Hellquist as the pool champion Tessa Chin, in Extant Arts' Corner Pocket
Photo Credit: Ellen B. Wright
REVIEW of "Sole Proprietor"
The look, feel, and sound of the JUST RELEASED movie, "SOLE PROPRIETOR" is very professional (several links to buy the movie follow this review).
Director and Star, Dan Eberle should feel proud of the movie he put onto the screen as his final cut. At almost dead-on 90 minutes, that cut felt to be the exact right length. The movie felt lean, taut, and easy to follow, even with the consistent and stylish use of flash-forwards and backs.
The soundtrack by Matt Rocker (who also puts in some time in front of the camera as "Shitbag"), was never over-powering,yet always maintained a subtle lead to the viewer connecting senses of sight and sound very effectively all the way through, and only rising up where really necessary, during the climactic scenes in the third act, for example.
Cinematically, the noir aspects of the movie were solid and consistent too. As a fan of the genre, and of making NOIR movies myself, there were several shots in which the playing of light and shadow really impressed me. Particularly was the introduction of a dirty cop named "Greer". His appearance, complete with bloody bandage is set in a scene lit perfectly and is one that will be very memorable to all audiences for the movie. It is one that I will be showing others, for sure.
Eberle gathered a great cast, and made an ENORMOUSLY important decision in bringing Alexandra Hellquist in as "SOPHIE". Wow, no kidding-- from the first time she comes on screen, she simply takes over the movie, as I'm quite sure MUST HAVE BEEN the INTENTION.
To say the screen presence of Alexandra Hellquist is MAGNETIC would be quite an UNDERSTATEMENT . As Sophie, she electrifies the audience and manipulates them into taking quite a ride, right along with "Crowley (from the Internet)". While everyone in front of the camera delivered amazing work, she has really created something special with this character. Sophie is SMART, STRONG, SAD, SEXY, SOPHISTICATED, SLY, and STUNNING.
If you enjoy noir-thrillers that grab you right from the beginning and DO NOT LET GO until the last frame, you should check out "Sole Proprietor" immediately!
You can buy/rent at the following links:
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/movies/details?id=jFBcM95DV88
VUDU: http://www.vudu.com/movies/#!overview/785530/Sole-Proprietor
If you go to Amazon.com Instant Video, you can NOT only BUY/RENT, but READ my 5-Star review there too!
You can also WATCH the TRAILER BELOW and buy/rent it at YouTube!
We hope you WATCH and ENJOY "Sole Proprietor"!
HOWEVER-- Please do NOT forget we are still in the process of making our own movie, "The END of FUN" and would love your pledge (no matter how small-- $1 would help us more than you will ever know-- LITERALLY EVERY $ Makes a difference! www.KaraokeNoir.com
Rant OVER! Thanks!
#AlexandraHellquist #DanEberle #SoleProprietor #TEOFfriends
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