Wednesday, June 29, 2016

INSPIRATIONS POST #2: Getting in Bed with STRANGENESS...and "Run Lola Run"

In an earlier post, I spent some time ranting about the influence of Fight Club, Tyler Durden, and their creator Chuck Palahniuk. Those who watch "The END of FUN" with a knowledge of "Run Lola Run" (originally "Lola Rennt"--in German, by Tom Tykwer) and a critical eye will notice its influences on me as a writer and movie-maker, as well.

I saw this movie around the same time as FIGHT CLUB, and was introduced to it by the same guy who forced me to watch that one, Dan Koven, our Senior Executive Producer and BritPop pusher. One of the first things Dan said as we popped it into the DVD player (ask your grandmother, she'll explain "DVD Player"), was "Turn up the volume as loud as you are allowed or as loud as your speakers can stand."

I offer any of you who watch the same advice. The soundtrack is integral to the movie and simply phenomenal.

 As with Palahniuk (and Fincher-- never even gave him the props he earned on FIGHT CLUB that led me to see and enjoy every movie he's made since), RUN LOLA RUN turned me onto another artist, this time German auteur Tom Tykwer. This artistic genius wrote and directed the movie as well as providing amazing music for it.

His auteur-nature is one thing that draws me to Tykwer's work in a strong way. His commitment to his RUN LOLA RUN is so absolute and complete, that you simply understand (as an artist) when you watch it that there was NOTHING that would have stopped the man from making this movie.

I can relate to that. And, it seems, so can several others. Something magical and transformative has happened each time I have allowed anyone to read this story (The END of FUN) from beginning to end. The reactions with which I am met, simply fill me with energy and life in a way I can only compare to flowers opening before the morning sun. I. Feel. Reborn.

Each time someone reads this, the look on their face, the questions they ask, the comments they make fill me with more than encouragement. It fills me with the drive I may only IMAGINE Tykwer had going into the early stages of RUN LOLA RUN... and that is?

#TEOF Momentum

The Trailer for RUN LOLA RUN gives you the smallest glimpse of the strange beauty contained in its compact sub-90 minute running time.

He has gone on since then to make several other very good movies, and to collaborate with The Wachowskis on a very divisive movie that I truly loved, "Cloud Atlas" (sometimes I feel like I am the ONLY one who loved the movie so much! But love it I do! Visually, tonally, structurally, philosophically, narratively, etc. ad infinitum). Many of the things I love about Tykwer as a filmmaker are born in RUN LOLA RUN and then evolve, like it or not, throughout the rest of his filmography.

The trailer for Cloud Atlas, for better or worse, gives you an idea of the wonderfully complex plot, but in no way prepares you for the trip you take. AGAIN-- maybe that's just me?

RUN LOLA RUN begins, like FIGHT CLUB, with perhaps the most inventive, awesome, and just plain cool opening credit sequences ever. Rather than spoil it, I will simply invite you to take my word for it, rent the movie (BEWARE, AMERICAN FANS: The movie is in German-- I suggest listening in German and reading the subtitles, but that is up to you--- just WATCH IT, for god's sake!), watch and experience for yourself. Or if you are really antsy go searching around on YouTube--I'm sure it's out there somewhere!

One of the other simply amazing things that called down my love like lightning for Fight Club was the TWIST that occurs near the end of the movie. In RUN LOLA RUN, you do not wait anywhere near as long for "the twist" (I put that in quotes because you soon realize that this was not THE twist, simply one of many that are deftly dovetailed together to deliver an emotionally charged mindtrip!). Once this first twist occurs another follows, then another. Then another. Then another. The movie grabs you and simply has its way with you, leaving you fascinated but completely unsure what to think the first time you watch it. By the end, though? By the end, it all comes crashing together in a way that is touching, unexpected, yet exactly right. (WATCH IT, OK?)

Almost more than anything else, I love the plain old non-standard story-telling structure of RUN LOLA RUN and that Tykwer is able to still work with this and create a linear experience of story that makes sense and is only enhanced by its deviation from the expected. It is possibly the most romantic story I have ever seen.

After watching, if you analyze movies, you will be asking yourself-- just as I did: "Was that a LOVE STORY that just looked like a CRIME STORY?...or Was that a CRIME STORY that just kind of looked like a love story?" It is both and it is neither. It could not exist without both, and yet rises above either. (JUST WATCH IT, OK?). While not similar in plot, AT ALL, that basic idea floated around in my head, especially as a lover of noir, pulp, and the "Femme Fatale" concept in general. While writing THE END OF FUN, I was sure I wanted a story that dealt very realistically with the dating issues of the single 40-something male.

But as a fairly avid hater of most "romantic" (quotes are "romantic for romantic's sake) movies, and LOVER of crime stories, I knew which direction I would ultimately steer mine. While I think viewers will see the romantic elements of the plot, when the final credits roll, I think viewers of The END of FUN will feel pretty certain they have just watched a crime movie (a pretty brutal one, at that!).

RUN LOLA RUN regularly throws text up onto the screen. Not OVER the images, but in lieu of them. entirely. This is very important to the movie overall. My movie making began in 2010, a full decade after seeing RUN LOLA RUN. As obsessed as I am with movies and making movies, it is also always VERY IMPORTANT to me to make my viewers read something important during the experience. (At the beginning of SPIDER-- my faithful adaptation of a Charles Bukowski Story-- I actually ADMONISH my audience for watching too much stuff an not reading enough. YIKES!) I cannot imagine NOT putting text on the screen of every project at some point (although it has happened and will again).

This is PART 1 (PART 2 is below/follows) of "spider", my adaptation of one of my favorite stories by Charles Bukowski.) This movie has gotten a bit of attention because it was filmed for about $10, shot, edited and posted in a single 24 hour period.

PART 2 of "spider" (original story by Charles Bukowski--adapted and directed by me: Robert Christopher Smith)

FINALLY AND MOSTLY, the biggest impact from Tykwer, particularly RUN LOLA RUN is its unapologetic embrace of strangeness as a means of advancing the story. The plot, characters, and story of RUN LOLA RUN are elevated by the courage Tykwer exhibits in his ability to allow some fairly risky scenes, that are completely non-linear, to become the strongest support for those uplifted, elevated elements.

This is particularly important to my development of the plot for The END of FUN. Over the past year, I had nearly every plot and character beat fairly sketched out in my head (or drunkenly scrawled as you may want to read here and see scans of my actual notes! or here ). But it wasn't until I was able to take the break, following being laid off from a teaching assignment that my TWIST occurred to me. Not just a twist, but a full embrace of the type of weirdness Tykwer and a few others like David Lynch, have become so masterful at weaving into and throughout their works-- or occasionally even allowing the weirdness to be the point itself!

There is a very strange, very creepy, very violent scene in The END OF FUN that I feel like could be "the" scene people walk out discussing. It is not there simply for the sake of weirdness though, or violence or creepiness. It is there to move the plot much further than would have been able otherwise. (I NEED TO JUST SHUT UP NOW before I eff up and spoil this entirely....). ANYWAY, I owe Tykwer. I owe Palahniuk. I owe Fincher. I owe David Lynch too (Oh boy, do I owe David Lynch-- but we'll leave that for another time).

I OWE ALL MY INFLUENCES. I never want to, never aim to, never attempt to out and out APE anything by my heroes. However, if I am ever so blessed that one of these ICONS actually watches and enjoys something I have produced, I WANT them to see that "easter egg" and know that it is a love-note of creativity from my soul to theirs, and this is the deepest form of appreciation or respect that I could possibly muster for them.

Thanks for hanging in until the end! I hope you are getting excited about "The END of FUN". I am!!! Can you tell?!?

I would love to hear from you in our comments section.

Please share the links and spread the word! THE END OF FUN IS COMING!

#TEOF #TheENDofFUN #TEOFinfluences

The END of FUN Casting Notice-- This will remain up until every role has been cast!

Hello to all potential actors out there, seasoned and rookie! My name is Robert Smith and I would like to express my sincere thanks for your interest in acting for us in THE END OF FUN!

IF THE ROLE IS STILL LISTED BELOW...IT IS STILL OPEN! I will update regularly and delete each as they are cast.

Please keep reading for an insane amount of information, including the roles, how to apply and what to do if you just want more information!

About the shooting dates: We are calculating 4-5 days over one or two weeks at the end of August, possibly as late as Mid-September. One reason these dates are not set in stone yet is because of YOU! Being an independent feature, we will be providing compensation, but one of our biggest assets is flexibility. We want to work closely with our KEY TALENT to set firm dates that everyone else who is cast must adhere to.

In addition to the Lead and featured extra roles listed below, you will also notice a need for a great number (20-30) of background actors since the majority of the movie takes place in and around a local bar in San Diego.

***IMPORTANT***ALL Lead and Secondary characters must be able and willing to both sing and dance. The movie takes place in and around a karaoke bar, and every lead and secondary character will also have one day at a studio to record their songs (to be played back during the shoot).

Lead Roles

Johnny-- Role Filled by Writer/Director ROBERT CHRISTOPHER SMITH!

Kari K: Mid/late 30's. Average build, can be anywhere between 5'0 and 5'6" (but wears shoes to be whatever height she chooses at any particular time--usually heels when at work). She has blonde hair that hangs past her shoulders and is often pulled back into a pony-tail as it is on the night this story takes place. Kari K is the karaoke KJ ("Kari K, the Karaoke KJ" is her tagline and even on her business cards). She is a high energy Southern California girl, but she wears her emotions on her sleeve, which means that sometimes that high energy may be directed in ways that defy her usual "bubbly" nature and led to her becoming a KJ in the first place. While still beautiful by the standards of any sane person, she is very self-conscious about approaching 40 and being unmarried and childless. She is a great person to have in your corner and a terrible person to have against you. (MAIN CHARACTER)
--Partial Nudity Required (Topless--implied full)

Jade Silver: Role Filled by Julia Rosette!

Cammy: Role Filled by JULIA BODEY!

Clown: The naked clown is a very key element to this story. The time onscreen is brief but very powerful, likely to be the most talked about role and scene in the movie. The clown, in addition to being nude, does sing, dance, and fight. (KEY SECONDARY CHARACTER)
--Full Nudity Required

SCAB: the violent, conservative, biker-gangbanger wannabe ex-boyfriend of Jade Silver. Over 6' tall and muscular, big guy. Grew up in Brazil until teen-ager and his father moved family to SD from Brazil, fleeing their authorities. Although his father has built a legitimate life for his family in SD, his constant belittling of SCAB, calling him soft, etc finally causes him to go out and form his own gang of bikers, but built on Teabagger political principles instead of ethnicity, etc. SCAB is not very smart, but what he lacks in intelligence he makes up in ruthlessness and an unflinching adoration of violence (KEY SECONDARY CHARACTER)
--Full Nudity Required

V V: VV is mid-30's. He is short and somewhat trollish in appearance, but with the sexual appetite and persistence of a movie star times a rock singer to the power of a professional quarterback. VV never passes an opportunity to get next to a woman. He and Johnny are great friends and "running buddies", constantly acting as "wingmen" for each other. When Johnny texts him on the night of this story, it is not automatic, but is does not take much convincing to get him out to the bar. Once there, he falls under the spell of Jade every bit as badly as Johnny but without the good luck of reciprocation that Johnny experiences. (IMPORTANT SECONDARY CHARACTER)

Flash: Role Filled by TY MILLER!

Shay-- Petite, young, Asian (Written as "Asian girl", but very open to any/all ethnicities-- the right person is the right person) girl who sings "Losing My Religion" by REM while Jade dances for Johnny (FEATURED EXTRA)

Matt-Man: a 56 year old regular at the CarryOut--(FEATURED EXTRA--SINGS)

Misty: 36 year old woman hanging out at the CarryOut --(FEATURED EXTRA--SINGS)

LACKEY X (not character's name): Hanging with Scab. Does his bidding. Mid 20's to Mid 40's. Average build--muscular to fat is OK. (FEATURED EXTRA--NO SINGING)

LACKEY Z (not character's name): Rides Scab's bike out to a dump-site (FEATURED EXTRA--NO SINGING)

Danny: the bartender and owner of the bar (late 30's to late 40's) --(FEATURED EXTRA--NO SINGING)

Marvin Lippert--Man in 60-70's. Scab's neighbor (FEATURED EXTRA--NO SINGING)
Eleanor Lippert--Woman in 50-70's. Marvin's wife; only seen cowering behind her husband 

We will be looking for about 20 to 30 background extras to work for 2-3 nights. 

There will be a minimum of QUALITY FOOD as compensation for everyone including Featured Extras and Background Actors.

**ALL LEAD ACTORS and SECONDARY ACTORS will be compensated additionally financially, based upon several factors, including experience and other factors that may be negotiated with each actor individually.**

***IMPORTANT***Everyone involved will be credited additionally as an "EXECUTIVE PRODUCER". 
However, there will be expectations that are associated with this title, primarily being active involvement in the crowdfunding and fundraising efforts overall. PLEASE ONLY APPLY if you completely understand and are willing to enthusiastically take part in the fundraising aspects of this project.( If for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to be part of the fund-raising, please do not apply. This is automatic disqualifier.)

If you would like to be considered for one of the roles above, please follow the process outlined here:

1) Send 8x10 headshot (EVERYONE)

2) Send CLOTHED Body Shot (All LEADS and SECONDARY--just something that shows your general level of fitness)

3) Send links for Youtube clips, etc. of you singing and/or dancing (ALL LEADS and SECONDARY if singing)

4) Please write a short email to explain that you understand the need to actively, enthusiastically engage in the fundraising efforts.

5) Please include your Professional Actors Resume if available. Tell me about what else you have done!

6) Please let me know any questions you have!


There is already a FB Page, Twitter account (@ENDofFUN) and THIS BLOG! Email:

THANKS FOR READING! I look forward to hearing from all of you!

#TheENDofFUN #FindJadeSilver #TEOFCast #TEOFCasting #KaraokeCrime

Drunk Reporting #2: Flying off the Tracks! (INCLUDES SCAN OF ORIGINAL NOTES!)

As reported in "Drunk Reporting #1 (, the entire idea, much of the actual plot, and even entire passages of dialog and action were composed initially while under the influence and singing at The Carriage House in San Diego. As you can imagine, for a multitude of reasons, this is not always exactly productive. (AND ALWAYS requires a lot of editing and rewriting once sober...)

In that first drunk report, you saw how a little too much Jack Daniels (I honestly think it was the difference between drinking two JacknCokes and maybe three. My threshold is NOWHERE NEAR what it once was as a punk-metal-hippie), caused me to allow myself to become lost in thought as I pondered masks, their significance and my great love for them. Today, you will see how a little too much Jack Daniels gets in the way again.

The first thing you will see is a perfect example of how events unfolding in the bar (REALLY HAPPENING!) grab my attention and encourage me to work like hell to develop it for a scene in the movie. This particular scratching of notes never went past that, in fact, you will see as the second thing how I just get distracted and abandon the idea (CAN YOU GUESS THE SONG THAT WAS PLAYING??? There is a definite clue in the notes!) and start a drunken pondering of entirely other subjects. My attention either runs very deep when intoxicated or flits like a gnat in crosswinds. Guess which...

TRANSCRIPTION OF NOTES (See scan for actual drunken ranting/scribbling):

*Must include the over-aged/aging prostitute/escort

Johnny watched the aging hooker-with-a-bob and the young Mexican-with-a-butt-cut flirting and thought, "I'm gonna go home and kill myself." Of course he wasn't serious, but the point was still made. That time of the night had been reached and he knew it. His "suicide" would be not be a literal one, but a sexual one. One more night of extended re-virginity. One more night of a bruised cock. One more night of frustration and separation from elusive love.

Who has soul? Who
is the soldier?
Does it matter? 
Just keep singing

Applause is punctuation
Grand punctuation it is
but punctuation
Life is applause

Front of page

Back of page

THAT's IT! My Advice? Don't drive drunk, but don't write drunk either. It's just not worth it!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The WHOLE UNofficial Soundtrack for "The END of FUN"!

Hello fun-killing beauties!

Just as my way of planting the initial seeds while there was really no one there yet, I posted a song per day at the facebook page (check it out here or click the pic below! and will end tomorrow when I post "Cheer Up, London!" by Slaves.

But the intention the whole time was to dedicate one of these early "pre-production posts" to teasing you with a complete rundown, INCLUDING the YouTube Videos, for the entire UN (VERY UN)-Official Soundtrack. #TEOFSoundtrack

Everything except the songs by Cloud Nothings, Afroman, Gorillaz, and Slaves is actually sung as karaoke by a character in the movie. There may be a few other songs, and one or two of these may end up CUT in the long run. This is just an early version based upon the script as written in first-draft form!

If any changes occur AFTER production actually starts, I will post a cumulative post addressing that too.

Please check out the list and let us know your thoughts and/or questions (I will answer as much as I can without really SPOILING any of the big moments!)

Song #1
"867-5309" by Tommy Tutone ("LIKE" the FB page above and you can see me singing a "test version" of the song with changes in the lyrics specifically for the movie!)

Song #2 "Fall In" by Cloud Nothings

 Song #3
"Take Me to Church" by Hozier

Song #4 "Sex (I'm a)" by Berlin

Song #5 "Because I Got High" by Afroman

Song #6 "Clint Eastwood" by Gorillaz

Song #7 "Stray Cat Strut" by The Stray Cats

Song #8 "Suspicious Minds" by Elvis Presley

Song #9 "All I Wanna Do" by Sheryl Crow

Song #10 "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor

Song #11 "Cheer Up, London!" by Slaves

BONUS: Wild Love Rebellion "Void" (This was my band in the early and mid 90's-- THIS was the only thing close to a mellow song that we ever recorded-- GUESS WHAT??? LONG STORY!!!)

Monday, June 27, 2016

Is there any goal beyond only MAKING the movie? Where is this GOING? Is there a PLAN?

Hello all of  my fun-killing friends, family, and fans!

I love the questions posed in the title of this post. Let's use this post to answer those exact questions one at a time!

Is there any goal beyond only MAKING the movie? 

Yes. It has been a long time goal of mine to have a movie that was of high enough quality all the way around from story to production and directing to acting that I would feel compelled to enter the movie into various festivals, large and small.

At this point, I only have the story and screenplay, but I and every person to read it so far is certain of its quality. In fact, I have never been as confident of any single piece of art I have produced including every piece of fiction, poetry, and music I have ever labored over. Only a VERY SELECT FEW besides me have read the entire screenplay and know every major and minor beat found in its pages.

To my great surprise, and honestly thrilling me beyond my wildest expectations or even dreams, those few folks who were allowed to consume the whole thing have been incredibly excited and enthused. My Senior Executive Producers, Rita McBean and Dan Koven, in particular, appear to be locked in some kind of three-way competition with me at this point for who flips out the most when talking about it! Both of them literally ASSAULTED me with praise following their first readings. SCARY LOVE! (Isn't that always the best kind? Is there any other kind?)

The breathtaking praise, energy and enthusiasm from all involved so far fills me with the confidence that I am right about this story. It is the right story to take to festivals!

Now, I am working very hard to find the right team. Dan and Rita are doing their part to make this happen as well.

Here's who we have so far (*ALL subject to change, of course, until shoot begins):


  • Writer/Director/Producer--Robert Christopher Smith
  • Senior Executive Producer-- Dan Koven
  • Senior Executive Producer--Rita McBean
  • Make-Up/Effects/Executive Producer--Amy McCain
  • Sound Engineer/Executive Producer--David Nylund
  • Executive Producer-- MORE COMING!!! (This is basically our "street team" once crowdfunding starts!)
Casting for our Acting Talent has just begun. There are ads out on Craigslist and people are beginning to inquire about acting in the movie. These efforts will intensify greatly beginning next week, and we approach the one-week mark to the FIRST TABLE READ. 

Once that table read is behind us, ALL ROLES MUST BE FILLED quickly. There will be no room for screwing around since we will immediately schedule the second (and this time, PRIVATE) Table Read. This second table read will be exclusively for cast and some crew to begin hammering out our delivery.

The one and only role that I know for sure is that the CarryOut should be played by The Carriage House. I plan to finish those discussions very soon and lock this down.

The pieces are coming together. With the amount of people already working on this with me, and the over all buzz, I am confident THE RIGHT PIECES ARE COMING TOGETHER.

We are taking this movie to FESTIVALS.

Where is this GOING?
It has been a long time fantasy, and now firm goal, to attend SXSW. However, I wish to do so as a participant, and not only as an attendee.

What is SXSW?....HOW DARE YOU!!! Kidding, kidding...No big deal...OK, you are not big enough of a geek yet. Let me fill you in. SXSW is South by Southwest, a huge annual festival held in Austin TX over several days each March celebrating all the best in new music, movies, and more in entertainment. It is the model for music festivals like this and is the largest of its kind in the world. In fact, the attention that it drew to itself in this regard is what has made it so increasingly popular and effective for film and other interactive  media.

They absolutely would NOT choose this movie simply because of its musical nature. Having said that, however, "The END of FUN" is more than a natural fit for SXSW, and has the potential to draw a significant buzz (if done right, back to the whole first part, above!).

At this point, I clearly envision myself, a few actors, maybe a producer or two all taking "The END of FUN" to Austin, TX for SXSW 2017 next MARCH!!!

 Is there a PLAN?

Why yes! Yes, there is a plan!

The plan for developing and shooting "The END of FUN":

  • Continue casting up to and through TABLE READ 1 (July 9)
  • Begin Crowdfunding (Kickstarter is likely, and will run for approximately 30 days)
    • Money for Location(s) including The Carriage House
    • Money for Actors (I want to hire as professional actors as possible-- whoever is hired MUST TAKE THIS 100% seriously and be deeply committed!)
    • Money for Production Team (Sound, Make-Up, Cameras, Editing)
    • The PRIMARY budget has been estimated and will be locked following the finalization of casting and crew hires
  • Have cast and screenplay "locked" before TABLE READ 2 (projected date=Aug. 13)
  • Record Audio for karaoke performances (Mid-Aug)
  • Shoot movie over 4-5 days (Mid-Aug/Possibly Late-Aug/POSSIBLY Early Sept!)
  • Edit and Postproduction in September
  • Final VERSION ready by HALLOWEEN 2016
  • This will be submitted to SXSW Nov.1 (ish)
    • This will entail a VERY SLIGHTLY higher rate for submission since we will have missed the initial dates, but it WILL NOT AFFECT our eligibility in any way at all!
  • Attend SXSW in March 2017
    • Who KNOWS?
    • Continue to submit the film in other, especially more local (we are in SoCal, after all) festivals and events.
Of course each progressive level of success in this business requires not just talent, but persistence, timing and plain old luck. HOWEVER--ANY SUCCESS EXPERIENCED WILL ALWAYS BE SHARED WITH MY FELLOW ARTISTS WHO ARE SO KIND TO SHARE THEIR TALENTS ON ANY PROJECT WITH ME. You have my word on that-- NOW and FOREVER!!!

What do you guys think? Questions? Caution? Advice? Praise? Encouragement? WHATCHA GOT?

#TheENDofFUN  #JadeSilver #KaraokeCanBeMurder

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Why Karaoke? Why a "Karoke Crime" story??? READ AND FIND OUT!!! (PART 1)

The first song I remember ever learning the words to was "Delta Dawn" by Tanya Tucker. My older sister, Tracy, and I would play the forty-five single over and over again. If we were not sure of some specific word, we would just lift Mickey Mouse's finger (that was the stylus/needle), move it back a bit and repeat if necessary. Then we would discuss and reach a consensus. Once we had the song locked, as we did with that first one "Delta Dawn", we would each grab a hairbrush, jump up onto my bed (She was and is a girl. It was fine to jump around all over my bed, but  she certainly was not going to have it in hers!) and sing our version to our legions of imaginary fans!

I moved on quickly from Tanya and "Delta Dawn" to "Detroit Rock City", "Love Gun", "Shock Me", etc. from KISS, and "Another One Bites the Dust", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love", and "We Will Rock You" from Queen.

Karaoke seems to have been in my blood from a very early age; long, in fact, before I would ever know or even hear the word.

However, my taste in music had taken a turn as you can see, and would continue to move into more rebellious territory of punk and metal throughout my teenage years. Behind closed doors, I was also a very talented, trained musician for my school band playing the Saxophone from 12 to about 17 years of age.

 All my exposure to music, from the classics of Beethoven, Mozart, and Strauss, to the walls of guitar and screaming from bands like AC/DC, The Clash, and Led Zeppelin insisted that once I was exposed to karaoke, that I simply SHOULD HATE it. So, hate it I did, for the first several years that karaoke became popular across the U.S.

In my opinion, if you had talent, you wrote your own music and worked your ass off to find an audience for it. That's what all the classical composers, punks, and metalheads who had informed my sensibilities had shaped me to believe and practice. The ultimate manifestation of this, WILD LOVE REBELLION, was born in 1992 upon my completion of studies for my Bachelor's of English--Creative Writing at the University of Kentucky.

Family, friends, and current girlfriend at that time were all very excited to see what my next steps would be. Medical School? MBA?


"Hey, everybody. I honestly believe I can be of most good on this planet if I make art. I'm going to form a psychedelic punk hippie metal band called Wild Love Rebellion, and change the fucking world." Well, it wasn't exactly like that. Nowhere near that quick or compact nor as concise. In reality, there was a lot of stammering and avoidance...

WILD LOVE REBELLION was close to 5 years from first concept to implosion, and five of the most amazing years of my 47 so far.
<story continues below video>



**I made the "Bet On Life" Video only using Windows Movie Maker. The video for "VOID" was shot and directed by me, and starred Jessica McGill Heim who was responsible for a great deal of the conceptualization during the shoot!***

 During those years, if you had suggested I go sing karaoke, there very likely would have been very strong resistance at least in the form of screaming and profanity of many stripes, and possibly a real physical altercation. I simply found the word, the idea, and the entire practice to be INSULTING to MUSIC...And I? I was above it. AND? It--Karaoke-- was beneath me! (makes sense, right?)

Fast Forward to a few years  following the disbanding of the band and the rebellion that was WILD LOVE REBELLION, and I was no longer a long-haired metal-punker in KY, but instead a short-haired, social spy, spreading ideas much easier with short hair and nice clothes. That new life took place in a place  where I have always just found it difficult to be as upset about ANYTHING as I could when living in KY, and that place was Southern California.

At the age of 30, and pulling across the state-line into CA, I felt truly "at home" for the first time in my whole life and had not even unpacked my bags yet. My mind opened to a host of new things immediately upon moving to CA, but the only one we care to discuss here and now? KARAOKE.

After my friends in Irvine, CA found out I had been in a band, there were several occasions where they invited me to go out and sing karaoke with them. Usually, I politely turned them down. And then on one fateful day, a friend came to me and let me know that GIRL-X was going with them to the karaoke bar tonight because he knew I was very attracted to this girl but never had the opportunity to discuss anything besides work. He assured me that she MENTIONED me and mentioned WANTING TO HEAR ME SING...

That night, I went to karaoke for my first time. GIRL-X did not show up (she showed up to other stuff, we did hook up and it turned into one of the real-life worst nightmares of my entire romantic life--- another story for another time!). Because she wasn't there, I proceeded to drink far more than I should have, or normally would.

Thinking I was clever, I had put in the song "Love Will Keep Us Together" by Captain and Tennille...then proceeded to drunkenly forget I had ever done so. Neither the KJ nor my friends were letting me off the hook. I swayed to my feet and stumbled to the microphone. "Love!..."

It really was fun, but still not my thing for the most part. I mean, I had really only come to hang with this girl who never showed up, and only sang the song out of obligation. My buddy, FRIEND-J, pulled me aside and out to the parking lot to hit a bowl of some very potent bud.

"Hey", FRIEND-J said to me. "Just so you know we're out here hitting this right now because-- DON'T GET MAD-- I put you in for another song. No Listen. I want you to do one you can get into. GIRL-X never showed up and you still did that stupid Captain and Tennille song-- and honestly, dude? -- you should be GLAD she wasn't here for that. I mean I get it and all. But seriously, it was terrible. Awful."

"Thanks" I said to FRIEND-J dryly. "Thanks and Fuck you, dude. What song did you put in?"

FRIEND-J puffed the bowl so it was glowing red then handed it to me "Hit it", he instructed before continuing, "SUBLIME, man." He exhaled. "I put you in for 'What I Got'. I hear you sing it all the time-- you'll kill it, and I'm gonna come up and do the middle with you. COME ON!"

 We went back in and sang had more fun, but I alone was disturbed at the very positive reaction we received to the very terrible version I knew we had just delivered.

After we got done, the whole group wanted me to explain my misgivings with Karaoke and I explained exactly how SHITTY I thought most of the singers to be, including myself, not understanding why they couldn't practice and really become good singers.

"Because, you dumbass", some other friend said, "Because if you can do that, you do that and you really go sing! This is karaoke. It's supposed to be shit. Well, it's supposed to be fun! Whether it's shit or not!"

As we talked and I continued to not just listen, but really WATCH the glee with which nearly everyone delivered their songs-- and sometimes the shittier the version, the more gleeful the singer, my epiphany struck me with all the force of a lightning bolt and my attitude toward Karaoke changed forever. My opinion was exactly 180 degrees different, in fact, for the first few years I would go to karaoke bars.  All of a sudden, if singers WERE good instead of shitty, I took some kind of offense.

What the hell was someone who could sing that good doing here? My level of comfort and fun with karaoke grew slowly over the next years.

Then one day in 2012, I walked into The CARRIAGE HOUSE in San Diego. I stumbled onto the place while out exploring the area around the first place I lived here, in Clairemont. After "stumbling in on that fateful day, I would stumble out nearly every weekend for the past 4 years! There is a SPECIAL VIBE on that bar, and on the patrons and staff who inhabit, bringing it to life daily, 7 days a week.

Those first few times, I hung out there, the welcoming energy of atmosphere and crowd there became addictive. I would stand quietly, waiting for my turn, drinking Jack and Coke, simply fascinated with every single singer who would walk up and grab the microphone. Some were old, some were young. There were people of every ethnicity, sexual preference, musical tastes and/or exhibition of fashion... Some singers would walk up and humbly CRUSH the song they sang, and some would swagger up and cockily belt out the most terrible version of about every song you could think of.

I loved all of them equally. The whole experience was quite addictive for me. Addictive and inspirational. As I would drink and watch, my mind would wander as to the specifics of each person to take the mic, and often ponder about many girls and women who never sang at all. My mind would begin to consider every option that could have led that person to that microphone and delivering that amazing version of X or that horrifying version of Y.

My mind would then follow them out of the bar and into potential futures, sometimes pairing them with other patrons, sometimes with ciphers who bubbled into existence only to serve the purpose of moving them to the next point on my "mental chess board". Stories flooded into my mind regularly.

It did not take long for me to decide that I had to write a story and that this bar would have to be THE MAIN CHARACTER. And almost immediately after that, the decision was made that this story should and would be a movie. I worked for over a year on a story called "CARRY ME HOME" which will still be produced at some point (another story for another time. AGAIN). The story on this movie, while fairly simple is framed within a very specific structure that will definitely present certain challenges.

Following a brief conversation with a friend at The CARRIAGE HOUSE one night about exactly that, I decided that I would NOT write just the one story (one movie), but instead would work on a trilogy of stories and that the first one written (CARRY ME HOME) would likely be the last one ever to be shot simply due to its much more complex narrative structure.

My great love of crime, horror, pulp, noir and several other very specific influences made coming up with the basic CORE of  the story for "The END of FUN" to manifest almost like magic. (SEE previous post for the actual scratch paper where I started developing the idea over a Jack and Coke).

A lot fell into place for me when I decided to bring a near fatal incident that had occurred about a year previous to this decision, as a major influence into the plot. I was thinking about the physical attack that had left my face, especially teeth, crushed on that fateful evening when a VERY BEAUTIFUL GIRL walked into the bar. A girl I had never seen before.

As my mind began tracing the potential scenarios that had brought her there, I started imagining all the scenarios that might have us leaving together. (DID I MENTION THAT SHE WAS HOT? And about 20 years younger than me???). Each of the scenarios my mind generated with us leaving together ended worse than the previous.

It was kind of depressing for about a split second, as I let my hyperactive imagination prevent me from ever saying word one to the girl, but then it all hit me. THIS WAS THE STORY.

A guy in his mid 40's walks into his regular hangout and a beautiful stranger a true femme fatale, leads him into the worst night of his life.

COME BACK SOON AND OFTEN GUYS! Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, and questions below! SPREAD THE WORD! "The END of FUN" is COMING!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

FIRST Round of Casting Starts with a single CL ad...well, and here!

Hey Beautiful-souled "The END of FUN" friends and family!

I am very excited to announce that since we will be doing the First Table Read exactly two weeks from tonight, that I have actually begun the casting process! Only moments ago, I posted the first of what will likely be several ads to Craigslist (and eventually other sites).

Here is the link! Please share it if you like...

It may, of course, be easier just to direct people here (you know, since you're here already!), so you will also find the entire contents of the CL ad below. DEFINITELY share the link for this post with ANYONE you know how might be interested and a good fit. PLEASE NOTICE THE absolute inflexible insistence that all actors also take on the role of "EXECUTIVE PRODUCER" and get closely involved with all fundraising.

ALSO feel free to post any questions you have in the comments section below OR Email me at

Hello to all potential actors out there, seasoned and rookie! My name is Robert Smith and I would like to express my sincere thanks for your interest in acting for us in "Karaoke Crime" (Not the Actual Final Title). We are currently undergoing our first round of casting for this movie. The amount of casting, and our aggressiveness in securing the right talent will increase greatly every day we move toward our final shooting dates.

Please keep reading for an insane amount of information, including the roles, how to apply and what to do if you just want more information!

About the shooting dates: We are calculating 4-5 days over one or two weeks at the end of August, possibly as late as Mid-September. One reason these dates are not set in stone yet is because of YOU! Being an independent feature, we will be providing compensation, but one of our biggest assets is flexibility. We want to work closely with our KEY TALENT to set firm dates that everyone else who is cast must adhere to.

In addition to the Lead and featured extra roles listed below, you will also notice a need for a great number (20-30) of background actors since the majority of the movie takes place in and around a local bar in San Diego.

ALL Lead and Secondary characters must be able and willing to both sing and dance. The movie takes place in and around a karaoke bar, and every lead and secondary character will also have one day at a studio to record their songs (to be played back during the shoot).

Lead Roles

Johnny-- ROLE FILLED! Robert Christopher Smith

Kari K: Mid/late 30's. Average build, can be anywhere between 5'0 and 5'6" (but wears shoes to be whatever height she chooses at any particular time--usually heels when at work). She has blonde hair that hangs past her shoulders and is often pulled back into a pony-tail as it is on the night this story takes place. Kari K is the karaoke KJ ("Kari K, the Karaoke KJ" is her tagline and even on her business cards). She is a high energy Southern California girl, but she wears her emotions on her sleeve, which means that sometimes that high energy may be directed in ways that defy her usual "bubbly" nature and led to her becoming a KJ in the first place. While still beautiful by the standards of any sane person, she is very self-conscious about approaching 40 and being unmarried and childless. She is a great person to have in your corner and a terrible person to have against you. (MAIN CHARACTER)
--Partial Nudity Required (Topless--implied full)

Jade Silver: Jade is Mid-Late 20's. Femme Fatale. She has long, dark wavy/curly hair and has dark eyes lined with dark make up. She wears dark red lipstick. Dark complected, olive-skinned or tanned (ethnicity does not matter, ALL will be considered if they fit the general description), possibly a mix of ethnicities. She has a dancer's body and does in fact dance quite well. Her profession is exotic dancer at a local SD Gentlemen's Club (but we do NOT see this in the movie). When she speaks, anyone who listens carefully might be slightly confused as to why she dances at a strip club. It is neither the sexually abused as a child nor the working her way through college story-- instead being something she does simply to defy boredom and her parents (her mother had been an exotic dancer as well and gone to strange lengths to prevent her daughter from doing the same. In the end, the efforts of her parents backfired and only drove Jade to the stripper's pole). On the night of this story, she has broken up with her boyfriend, a Brazilian-American thug and self-styled motorcycle gangster. (MAIN CHARACTER)
--Partial Nudity Required (Topless--implied full)

Cammy: ROLE FILLED by Julia Bodey!

Clown: The naked clown is a very key element to this story. The time onscreen is brief but very powerful, likely to be the most talked about role and scene in the movie. The clown, in addition to being nude, does sing, dance, and fight. (KEY SECONDARY CHARACTER)
--Full Nudity Required

SCAB: the violent, conservative, biker-gangbanger wannabe ex-boyfriend of Jade Silver. Over 6' tall and muscular, big guy. Grew up in Brazil until teen-ager and his father moved family to SD from Brazil, fleeing their authorities. Although his father has built a legitimate life for his family in SD, his constant belittling of SCAB, calling him soft, etc finally causes him to go out and form his own gang of bikers, but built on Teabagger political principles instead of ethnicity, etc. SCAB is not very smart, but what he lacks in intelligence he makes up in ruthlessness and an unflinching adoration of violence (KEY SECONDARY CHARACTER)
--Full Nudity Required

V V: VV is mid-30's. He is short and somewhat trollish in appearance, but with the sexual appetite and persistence of a movie star times a rock singer to the power of a professional quarterback. VV never passes an opportunity to get next to a woman. He and Johnny are great friends and "running buddies", constantly acting as "wingmen" for each other. When Johnny texts him on the night of this story, it is not automatic, but is does not take much convincing to get him out to the bar. Once there, he falls under the spell of Jade every bit as badly as Johnny but without the good luck of reciprocation that Johnny experiences. (IMPORTANT SECONDARY CHARACTER)

Flash: ROLE FILLED by Ty Miller!

Shay-- Petite, young, Asian (Written as "Asian girl", but very open to any/all ethnicities-- the right person is the right person) girl who sings "Losing My Religion" by REM while Jade dances for Johnny (FEATURED EXTRA)

Matt-Man: a 56 year old regular at the CarryOut--(FEATURED EXTRA--SINGS)

Misty: 36 year old woman hanging out at the CarryOut --(FEATURED EXTRA--SINGS)

LACKEY X (not character's name): Hanging with Scab. Does his bidding. Mid 20's to Mid 40's. Average build--muscular to fat is OK. (FEATURED EXTRA--NO SINGING)

LACKEY Z (not character's name): Rides Scab's bike out to a dump-site (FEATURED EXTRA--NO SINGING)

Danny: the bartender and owner of the bar (late 30's to late 40's) --(FEATURED EXTRA--NO SINGING)

Marvin Lippert--Man in 60-70's. Scab's neighbor (FEATURED EXTRA--NO SINGING)
Eleanor Lippert--Woman in 50-70's. Marvin's wife; only seen cowering behind her husband (FEATURED EXTRA--NO SINGING/NO LINES)

We will be looking for about 20 to 30 background extras to work for 2-3 nights. 

There will be a minimum of QUALITY FOOD as compensation for everyone including Featured Extras and Background Actors.

**ALL LEAD ACTORS and SECONDARY ACTORS will be compensated additionally financially, based upon several factors, including experience and other factors that may be negotiated with each actor individually.**

Everyone involved will be credited additionally as an "EXECUTIVE PRODUCER". However, there will be expectations that are associated with this title, primarily being active involvement in the crowdfunding and fundraising efforts overall. PLEASE ONLY APPLY if you completely understand and are willing to enthusiastically take part in the fundraising aspects of this project.( If for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to be part of the fund-raising, please do not apply. This is automatic disqualifier.)

If you would like to be considered for one of the roles above, please follow the process outlined here:

1) Send 8x10 headshot (EVERYONE)

2) Send CLOTHED Body Shot (All LEADS and SECONDARY--just something that shows your general level of fitness)

3) Send links for Youtube clips, etc. of you singing and/or dancing (ALL LEADS and SECONDARY if singing)

4) Please write a short email to explain that you understand the need to actively, enthusiastically engage in the fundraising efforts.

5) Please include your Professional Actors Resume if available. Tell me about what else you have done!

6) Please let me know any questions you have!

There is already a FB Page, Twitter account and blog starting to pick up steam and fans. If you are interested in this project and would like more information first or to engage in discussion, please email me through this ad and I will be glad to discuss whatever you like and/or provide links to the rest of what is just getting started!

THANKS FOR READING! I look forward to hearing from all of you!

Friday, June 24, 2016

INSPIRATIONS POST #1: Tyler, Me and Twists...

One of my all-time very favorite movies, FIGHT CLUB, came out my first summer in Southern California-- 1999. I want to be very upfront about this being one of my favorite movies because at the time it came out, I had zero interest in seeing it.

Two of my friends (one of whom was the previously mentioned "gem of a man" Dan Koven-- and the other was a fat orange turd with whom I no longer associate) were dead-set on seeing it, though. To the point that they paid for my ticket just so I had nothing at risk.

It took less than one minute from the sound of a needle being ripped across an LP, then launching into the quite amazing soundtrack of The DUST BROTHERS, the movie taking us from the microscopic and molecular inside the twisted brain of the narrator to the macroscopic and following the sweat roll down his nose and onto the barrel of the gun in his mouth-- for me to be SOLD at once and forever more on this truly great mindfuck of a movie.

I. Was. Hooked.

When the movie reaches its climax and we discover the great secret of our narrator and the big twist of the movie is revealed, my head was literally spinning. It took everything I had to sit still for the end of the movie as I immediately became fixated on seeing it again, knowing it would now be a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY.

Mind blown. TWICE!

FIGHT CLUB was absolutely every bit as amazing the second time I sat through it, although I experienced a completely different (far sadder and more tragic this time) story. Oh, and remember how I told you my friends had dragged me into that initial showing, paying my way? I dragged a grand total of about 20 more people into theaters as I saw the movie a total of 8 times (EIGHT!!!) in the theater. That is an all-time record, other than for THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW which has its own set of stories (...maybe some other time...).

Following its release on DVD, I would expose probably another 50 people to it, watching it a minimum of another 50 times in the next few years. And probably 50 more over the last 10 or so...

The TWIST in FIGHT CLUB is one of the best in any movie. I put it right up with Hitchcock's PSYCHO in that regard.

Growing up as a devoted fan of shows like THE TWILIGHT ZONE and THE OUTER LIMITS had me addicted to "twists" in stories from an early age.

During the SUMMER of 1999, I was in love... In love with Southern California... In love with my first SoCal girlfriend (STILL feeling residual pain from that TODAY---yeesh...yeah, she'll show up in a story at some point...)... In love with FIGHT CLUB... and its writer Chuck Palahniuk. I have gone on to read nearly every book the man has written (and will eventually... you can bet on that shit...)...

I. LOVE. CHUCK. PALAHNIUK. (No, not like that... you deviant little screwballs... UNIVERSAL love-- the same love I feel for Chaucer and for George Gordon, Lord Byron...)

In 2005, I had the chance to see Chuck read at a store in Louisville, KY (while I had unfortunately and unwittingly stranded myself there...another LONG STORY... we'll get there some day... keep watching my movies... HAVEN'T even written about WLR yet...). The plan was to leave work in Louisville and meet my buddy (and likewise big Palahniuk fan) Eric Peake at a bookstore across town.

At this point, I did not have my own vehicle and had borrowed a piece of crap FORD truck from my dad. After getting off work and running down and jumping into said piece of crap, my HEART DROPPED! The brakes were almost completely gone...

BUT... I just couldn't give up that easily, so I took off and started trying to drive across the busy city of Louisville in an old pickup truck with limited brakes, using my parking brake as a back up. Believe it or not... it just was not even close to a safe adventure...

SO? What do I do? Pull over and call AAA or a tow-truck or my dad or my buddy Eric? NOPE! I just decide that while driving across Louisville was not a great idea, I would go ahead and drive the truck 40 miles down the interstate and just go home. (Sometimes when I'm upset JUST MAYBE I don't think as straight as I should...)

Just as diarrhea-frosting on the shitcake of an evening, I actually got pulled over by a cop... FOR SPEEDING (yup in the piece of shit truck with no brakes!)... When he came up to my window and asked me why I took so long to pull over, I simply said I was trying to be safe (I DID have my signal on, after all...)... One brief, polite conversation later, name-dropping the name of my emergency-services sister, Tracy, and her ex-husband the cop, I was boogeying right back down the road, finishing my journey home in the truck with no brakes. STILL PISSED, but now at least feeling the positive feelings of relief for not getting a ticket... and VICTORY for having pulled that out of my ass with the cop...

FAST FORWARD from 2005 to 2016... Chuck Palahniuk released the sequel to FIGHT CLUB (called FIGHT CLUB 2 for some strange reason...) as a comic book from Dark Horse Comics.

Oh shit, my geek GOD must really love me! I eagerly and lovingly collected each issue wildy written by Palahniuk and masterfully rendered by Cameron Stewart, and even wrote my first fan letter to a comic book in over 30 years.

In the letter, I showed my picture (as you can see in the DRUNK REPORTING #1 post) dressed as Tyler Durden for Halloween 2015 at the Carriage House. The letter was written as a "space monkey" and my outfit was explained as being an assignment for Project Mayhem, and simply reporting my success and awaiting next orders.

Tyler. Wrote. Back.  And I almost shit. You can see the letter and the response scanned in below...

What does any of this have to do with me and "The END of FUN"? Only that it is important to share my influences with you guys who are interested, loyal, or bored enough to keep with my rantings in this blog. While I would never intentionally ape Chuck Palahniuk (or Geoffrey Chaucer...or Stephen  King... or anyone else for that matter!), I embrace my influences. In fact, the influence from Quentin Tarantino may be far more obvious in this particular story, considering I do more than name check the guy and more than one of his characters.... Maybe David Lynch influences will be more obvious... BUT, I think if you know about my GREAT LOVE for FIGHT CLUB and its creator, you will see its stamp on this as well... If nowhere else, I believe that tonally, at least, Tyler's stink will make an appearance... But maybe that's just me!

There are twists, though. There is a big blast of the unexpected. My goal is that people walk out...affected. My HOPE is that out there somewhere maybe I have a fan who can be to me as I have been to Chuck Palahniuk, Tyler Durden, the narrator, and FIGHT CLUB...

OUT THERE SOMEWHERE is someone who will get dragged to see "The END of FUN" against his or her will, but will walk out obsessed. Out there somewhere is someone who will risk their safety, and the safety of others simply to sit in my presence as I unload all the same weirdness to applause that only got me strange stares in the past.



p.s. WHERE is my mind! Please enjoy some PIXIES!

#TEOFinfluences #TheENDofFUN

Thursday, June 23, 2016

DRUNK REPORTING #1: Mr. Blank and the Masks

OK. Here's the deal. EVERY time I go out, I have at least a few pieces of paper and a pen in my pocket. I refuse-- drunk, sober, or otherwise-- to have the good fortune of being struck with a great idea and be so arrogant to think I will remember it "no problem". I learned this to be a falsehood at a much younger age, when I had MANY more brains cells, and all those that were present and accounted for were firing on all cylinders! Today, there are just a few lonely brain cells swimming around through the murkiness and confusion of lost time and masturbatory fever dreams, and those poor guys are just effing exhausted!

For well over half my life, for that matter, there has been paper and pen within reach of my bed every night as well, even when (sometimes ESPECIALLY when--) I am ill. There are thoughts, connections, and images that occur while your body attacks itself, under such unique and extreme conditions and sending your system so far out of balance, that these momentary glimpses into mad worlds are never again available, under any circumstances.

Never get caught without pen and paper. I won't.

WHAT IS MY POINT??? I hear you screaming right now. What does this have to do with "The END of FUN"? 

In today's post, I wanted to share another of my drunk rantings that was collected as I drank and sang at the Carriage House over the past year. On this particular night, there just was no spark in the world of Johnny, Jade, Kari K, and crew. Instead, my thoughts were rolling toward Halloween 2015. What began as brainstorming about "Zombies "(ugh!-- sure sign of a drunken inspirational void...right?) and the cooler idea of "Mr. Blank" (a featureless silver-face mask, wearing a black domino-style mask over top of that), explodes into a sudden drunken gush of my love for masks themselves. Before the rant is over, even that continues to evolve philosophically and meditatively. (Just effing read it and decide for yourself! LOL-- ALSO please feel free to look and laugh at the scan of the actual document. You are welcome to give me shit in the comments! LOL again!)

(typed "translation" follows the scans!)

"Halloween Costumes    
-Mr. Blank (Silver-Face) with Black Domino Mask

I have always loved the idea of masks. Every day EVERY one of us wears a variety of masks. Masks most subtle. These are masks of function, masks of necessity masks of survival. On occasion, it is necessary, it is enjoyable , it is cathartic, to wear more over, more purposeful masks.

There is something to be said about being able to carry your face (or faces) around in your hand. There is something to be said for being able to hide your true face behind this face you carry. There is something to be said for masks.

Who am I? I am my mask. But. But my mask is not me. 

My mask wants your mask. Your mask wants my mask. our masks want each other.

Our masks know each other better than we know each other.

This makes the masks happy. This makes us happy. This makes everyone happy.

There is a border between hetero and homosexuality that is more than tantalizing to the average "hetero" male. You can see this live in any bar, dressing room, or even public bathroom across these United States.

The motions, the actions, and the behaviors of those around us are as infectious as any virus. And just as deadly."

HERE, included as a bonus is a picture of my ACTUAL Halloween costume last year (BTW-- I wont $200.00! and was so intoxicated did not fully realize I was in the contest at all!). Can you guess who I went as??? HINT: I wrote the author a letter AND. HE. WROTE ME BACK!!!!!!!! I will scan and post that next time, with a little story about the impact this character and writer have had on my own life and art!!!

and just for the hell of it... One of many pictures of me mugging (for my own strange pleasure) in a domino mask!

That is IT for now, guys! Please keep checking back every day as we work toward our first big goal: THE TABLE READ on JULY 9! I will be posting regularly until then!

See you soon. Keep it weird, and remember...FUN NEVER ENDS!